Chapter V

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"We're almost halfway there." her dad said.

"We're getting closer. Yeah." she thought.

She went back to looking out the window. Things still look any different than things back home. It's turning out to be an ok trip. Nothing much to see though.

"Thank God for the radio." she thought.

She looked down and in the floor board was the book she was reading. She reached down and picked it up. She sat it in her lap and went back to looking out the window. Every so often, she would look at the book. She couldn't help it. She had to know what else happened. She fought the urge as long as she could but the book won. She picked it up and opened it.

"Addicted already." she thought.

She skipped over some parts - the parts that embarrassed her. Kissing and hugging didn't bother her. It was the touches in certain places that bothered her. What really embarrassed her was the sex.

"I'll just skip the sex parts and read the rest." she thought.

So that's exactly what she did for awhile. If it was boring, she'd skip ahead. The other woman from the party disappeared from the book. The man and woman would meet every chance they got. They talked about love at first sight and true love because of how they felt when they first met.

They discussed their feelings for each other growing stronger. The woman was sad when the man would leave her. She said that she was incomplete without him. That something was missing from her life when he was gone.

He stated that he also felt sad when she was away from him. He said that he longed to run back to her so he would feel better. His heart ached while they were apart.

He would take her in his arms and kiss her. They would set there looking into each other's eyes and then start kissing each other again.

"Way too much kissing going on." she thought.

He started touching her body. She laid down with him on top of her. He was touching and kissing her. She was holding him in her arms and kissing him back. They laid there for what seened forever. Clothes started coming off of both of them.

She tried to keep reading but she couldn't seem to make it through the sex part.

"Is there something wrong with me?" she thought.

She started understanding how two people could fall in love and stay together but the rest of what happened between them she couldn't wrap her finger around. She couldn't understand how two people who barely know each other could sleep together immediately.

She had kissed a couple of guys but they hadn't made her feel like the woman did in the book. She mustn't have been in love with them then. If none of her boyfriends had made her feel like that then she hasn't ever been in love.

"What a waste." she thought. "Maybe I'll fall in love someday."

She went back to reading. The man had to leave but he would be back before she would notice he was even gone. When he left, she sat and cried. Two days had passed and nothing.

"What!?!" she thought.

The man hadn't come back like he'd promised. She moped around the house waiting for his return. She watched out the window for a glimse of him coming back. She waited and cried for his return.

"She waited. Time wasted." she thought.

She left the house to go find him. She went to his house looking for him. She found him but not the way she had wanted. He was sick in bed. A doctor was there saying that they would have to wait and see if he would recover. She wanted to run to his bedside but his family wouldn't allow it.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now