Chapter XLIV

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Joyce hunted Shelby down. When she found her, she decided that shopping was a great idea. Shelby was on the porch watching John and Tommy.

"Ok, kiddo. Let's do this." Joyce said. "Get your things so we can go shopping."

"Yes." Shelby squealed.

Shelby ran inside to her room. She grabbed her phone and purse. She came running back to Joyce.

"Slow down, kiddo." Joyce laughed. "I'll be back later. I'm taking Shelby shopping." Joyce said to Frank.

They went to Joyce's car and got in. Tommy and John were watching. They pulled out and drove away. Both were watching as they went by Tommy's house.

Shelby was overly excited. She couldn't wait to see what Joyce would let her buy. She waited to see where they were going. They kept passing stores up. Then Shelby saw the mall.

"We're going there?" Shelby asked.

"Where else." Joyce said.

"Yes!" Shelby squealed.

"Now, look, you're not buying everything you see. We're going to get a couple of outfits that will turn Tommy's head and maybe something special." Joyce informed her.

"Something special? Like what?" Shelby asked.

"Something to wear under the new outfits." Joyce laughed.

"Oh." Shelby said embarrassed.

"You're a babe in the woods, honey. Don't worry about a thing. I'll help you." Joyce reassured her.

Shelby smiled. Joyce pulled into a parking spot and they were off on an adventure of a lifetime. They went to three different stores and left empty handed. Joyce saw an outfit in another store so they went in to look around.

They had nice outfits but Shelby wasn't quite sure what to choose. Joyce looked at the short skirts and tank tops.

"Shelby, come here." Joyce said.

Joyce handed her three skirts and six shirts. Shelby looked at them and then Joyce.

"Go try them on." Joyce encouraged her. "Shoo!"

"Really?" Shelby asked.

"Really. Go before I change my mind." Joyce ordered her.

Shelby hurried to the changing room. She went inside a stall and started changing her clothes. She looked at herself in the mirror. The bruises were almost totally gone. She smiled in the mirror as she tried on one shirt and all the tank tops. She modeled each outfit to Joyce to find out what she thought.

"Keep all of them. I've got your new outfits covered." Joyce said.

Shelby squealed cause she couldn't believe that Joyce was buying her all three skirts and all six tank tops. They checked out and went to leave the store.

"Now, you need something sexy to wear underneath." Joyce said. "Let's go in here." Joyce motioned Shelby into the store two doors down.

When Shelby saw what was on the hangers, her face turned red quickly. Joyce noticed and walked her through the store.

"If you can't keep from being embarrassed just looking at sexy underwear, how are you going to wear it?" Joyce asked.

"I don't know." Shelby laughed.

Joyce took two pairs off a rack and held them up to Shelby.

"Too revealing." Shelby said pointing to the see through undies. "Too pink." she said about the other one.

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