Chapter XXIV

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The morning came early, so she thought. She climbed out of bed hoping to see Tommy leaving but the car was already gone. She changed clothes and left the room.

She had missed breakfast. She walked into the living room. Her mom turned and saw her.

"Hey sleepy head." her mom said.

"Hey." she said as she yawned.

"You missed breakfast." her mom said. "Are you hungry?" her mom asked.

"I'm famished." she said.

Her mom got up and they walked into the kitchen together. She sat down at the table expecting her mom to have to cook something. Her mom took a plate out of the refrigerator and heated it up in the microwave.

"Is there any coffee left?" she asked.

"Yes, but I'll have to heat it up." her mom said.

"Ok." she said. "Just put it in a cup and nuke it."

"Ok then." her mom said.

"What's on the agenda today?" she asked.

"Well, John's gone to work with Frank. Joyce will be heading out here in a little while. We haven't decided on anything solid yet." her mom said.

Her mom put the plate infront of her. She picked up the fork and started eating. Her mom then brought her a cup of coffee, milk and sugar. She made her coffee up the way she liked it and took a drink. It tasted great. She went back to eating. Her mom left the kitchen and returned to the living room.

"What time is it?" she thought.

She looked around for a clock. When she found one, she was shocked.

"It's almost eleven o'clock. Wow, I really did oversleep this time." she thought.

She finished her plate and cup of coffee. She placed her dishes in the sink and walked into the living room. Joyce had disappeared while she was out of the room.

"Joyce left already?" she asked.

"Yes, she has to be at work by noon." her mom said.

"Oh, ok." she said. "Am I going to be totally alone during the week?" she asked.

"Is that going to be a problem?" her dad asked.

"I guess not. I've been laft alone before." she said. "Just not all day."

"You'll be fine if you find something to keep yourself busy. You'll see." her mom said.

"John put somethings in the treehouse for me. There's books, board games and cards. I just hope I don't get bored too quickly." she said.

"It'll be ok." her dad said. "It'll be just like being at home."

"That's what I'm afraid of. I get bored at home easily." she said.

They just looked at her for awhile. She stood there waiting for somebody to say something. When they didn't, she changed the subject.

"What are we going to do today?" she asked.

"Well, we can stay here or we can go see Cheryl." her dad said.

They agreed to go see Cheryl. They loaded up and drove to Cheryl's house. The trip took about twenty-five minutes. They pulled into the drive and parked. They got out and went to the door.

"Are you sure she's here?" she asked.

"Yes, she works night." her dad said.

"She might be asleep." she said.

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