Chapter XXIX

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 They drove to the next town to a restaurant she knew nothing about. It was a small out of the way place that looked like it was closed or out of business. There weren't many people inside. They were seated at a table in the back away from everyone. They were alone in a dimly lit area.

"This is so romantic." she thought.

She was all alone with him and she had no idea what to talk about. They sat there waiting to order saying absolutely nothing to each other. She found it hard to talk to him. This was nothing like it was when they were just hanging out as friends.

The waitress appeared finally and they ordered. Then there was total silence. He spent most of the time looking at her. She was doing the same. She had nothing to say. She felt so awkward. She didn't know if she should ask questions so she could get to know him better or just sit there quietly.

She realized she didn't know how to be out on a date. She had never been on a date before. She kept thinking about what they could talk about. She had no idea what his interest were. Like things he enjoys doing and places he likes going.

"Just find out about him. That's all I have to do." she thought.

"Have you been here before?" she asked breaking the ice.

"Yes, I have." he said.

"Now what? He gave a short answer. Come on. Think!" she thought.

"Why don't you tell me some things about yourself?" he asked throwing her off.

"What?" she asked.

"Tell me something about yourself." he said.

"Well, this is my first date." she said.

"Oh. Great! Amateur." she thought.

Tommy just smiled. He sat there waiting for her to go on.

"I hate wearing dresses and make up." she laughed.

"Why?" he asked. "You look so beautiful." he said.

"I don't feel comfortable dressed this way. I like jeans and T-shirts. Mom says I'm a Tomboy." she said.

"Do you like sports?" he asked.

"I like watching football and basketball on TV. I like to play basketball. I'm not into many sports. I like to read and watch movies." she said.

"What kinds of books do you like to read?" he asked.

"I like horror books. I like to be scared sometimes. I do have to admit I read my first romance novel on the way here. It wasn't that bad." she said.

"Oh, why did I tell him that?" she thought.

"I love to read. I don't care really what kind of book it is as long as it's not boring." he said. "What about movies? What kind do you like to watch?" he asked.

"I like all kinds of movies as long as they're not boring." she laughed. "We watched a movie early Saturday morning when we arrived. It was a good movie but a little sad. It made me cry at the end." she said.

"What in the world am I saying? He didn't need to know that I cried." she thought.

He was sitting there smiling at her. She had opened up a little too much too quick. She stopped talking unsure of what he was thinking. She felt silly.

"I think I watched the same movie." he finally said.

She felt much better hearing that. At least he wasn't going to make fun of her for crying.

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