Chapter XIII

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It was almost dinner time when they got back. John pulled into the driveway and parked.

"Fall out." John said.

Donald and Vince got out. John was staring at her in the mirror again. Tommy went to get out but John stopped him.

"What did I say? Were you not listening?" John asked.

"Tommy and I are going to be friend whether you like it or not." she said. "Get used to it."

They got out of the car leaving John sitting there. She walked across the yard towards the house next door. Tommy stopped and turned to look at her.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know. Surprise me." she said.

He bent down and kissed her on the cheek. He let go of her hand and walked the rest of the way home alone. She stood there watching him. When he entered his house, she turned and John was standing right there.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" John asked.

"Making plans with a friend." she said.

"I thought I told you to be careful." he said.

"I am being careful. I didn't say you weren't going." she said as she walked towards the house.

John followed her inside. He was getting madder and madder with every step he took.

"I can't believe you." he said.

"What?" she asked.

"I said he's on the rebound." he said. "Do you know what that means?" he asked.

"Yes. He broke up with someone and is looking for someone to have fun with." she said. "What's the harm in that?" she asked.

"He's looking for his next girlfriend." he said. "You're not going to be here that long. I can't keep either one of you from hurting each other."

"Who said somebody was going to get hurt?" she asked.

"Trust me. Somebody's going to get hurt. I just hope it's not you. You better know what you're doing." he said.

"Nope. I'm playing it by ear." she said as she entered the house. "Calm down ok. It's going to be fine."

"You let him kiss you." he said.

That got the attention of everybody in the room. They all stopped what they were doing to listen in.

"He kissed me on the cheek." she said.

"You made plans with him for tomorrow." he said.

"Not really. He's going to surprise me." she said.

"Why him?" he asked.

"So you'd perfer me to be with Donald or Vince and not Tommy?" she asked.

"I don't want you with any of my friends." he said.

"Shelby with a guy!" Gracey laughed.

"Yeah Gracey. He's making plans for tomorrow." she said. "You got a problem with that?" she asked.

"No, I guess not." Gracey said.

"I don't know much about him but he seems to be a nice boy." her mom said.

"I don't want my friend or my sister getting hurt. It has nothing to do with him being nice." John said.

"Calm down. We're not going to be here that long." Dad said. "What could happen?" he asked.

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