Chapter XLVII

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 John came into the room to wake up Shelby but she was already up. She had done her hair and put make up on. She had changed her outfit to another new outfit. She was ready to go.

"Hey, kiddo. You look nice this morning." John said.

"Thank you." Shelby said.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yep. Let's go." she said.

They went outside to get in the car. Tommy was on the porch waiting on them this time.

"Beautiful morning, isn't it?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, it is." Shelby laughed. "I thought you said he was always late?" Shelby asked John.

"He usually is." John said.

"Did he spend the night last night?" Shelby asked.

"No, not that I know of. He said he had promised to go home." John said.

"Guys, I can hear you." Tommy said.

"Oh, sorry. We're not used to you being on time." John said.

"That's ok. Yes. I went home and I did get some sleep before you ask. I slept better than I have in a long time." Tommy said.

"You ready to go?" John asked.

"Yep. I'm ready or else I wouldn't be here." Tommy said.

They walked to the car when Joyce came out and yelled for Shelby. She walked back to the door to find out what Joyce wanted. She reminded Shelby about needing a matching bra for her birthday outfit. Joyce handed her some money and Shelby shoved it in her pocket. She then walked back to the car where the guys were waiting on her. She noticed that Donald and Vince had appeared out of nowhere. Donald was in the back seat and Vince was in the front. Tommy was standing outside the car waiting on Shelby to get in.

She now had to figure out how to buy a bra in front of four guys instead of just two guys. She kept rolling around ideas in her head like wanting to look in the store and walking away alone. She knew that wouldn't work. They wouldn't let her go off alone anywhere. She could always ask for their help finding a bra and hope they said no.

"That might work. I'll try that." she thought.

John was pulling out of the drive when Tommy's mom came outside quickly to the car. John stopped and waited for her. Tommy stepped outside the car and John rolled up the windows so no one could hear what she said.

Tommy got back in and said, "Ok mom." then shut the door.

"What was that all about?" John asked.

"She was reminding me to pick up something for Shelby's birthday. Then she started throwing out ideas at me." Tommy said.

"Moms are weird like that." John said.

"Yeah, and embarrassing." Tommy said. "Did anyone else notice she was in her robe and slippers?" he asked.

"You forgot about her hair in curlers." Shelby said. "And what was that green stuff on her face?" she asked.

Tommy laughed and said, "I have no idea but she uses it every night."

"Shelby, that'll be you in twenty years." John laughed.

"Bite me." Shelby said.

John started out the drive for a second time. This time he drove real slow just in case someone else tried to catch the car before it left. No one did so he went on down the road and to the mall. The parking lot was half empty or half full depending on how you look at things.

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