Chapter VIII

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 "Wake up! Wake up!" her mom yelled.

"What? What?" she yelled back.

"Don't yell at me!" her mom exclaimed.

"Sorry Mom. I was dreaming." she said.

"You said to wake you when we arrived. Well, we're here." her mom said.

She raised up and looked out the window. They were parked in somebody's driveway. It was really dark but she thought she could see the house next door. She looked through the windshield and there was definitely a house. She got all excited. The lights were on inside which meant that somebody was awake. She grabbed the handle and flung the door open. She went to jump out but her leg wouldn't let her. It had fallen asleep on her while she had slept. She had to shake it before she could get out. She exited the car slowly hoping her leg wouldn't give out as soon as she put weight on it. It tried but she balanced herself by grabbing the door. She went back to shaking it.

"Well, this is just great. Now what." she thought.

Her toes started to tingle then it traveled up her leg. Then came the pain.

"Ouch! Don't do this. Wake up. I want to walk." she thought.

She put her leg down and took a step. The pain wasn't bad but everyone was going to know her leg was asleep because of the way she was walking.

"Just walk as slow as you can." she thought. "Slow and easy. Don't fall."

She closed the door and walked as slow as she could. She walked far behind her parents and sister. It was dark but she could make out some of the things around her. There were two other cars in the driveway.

"I wonder who they belong to." she thought.

She leaned against one to help her walk while she shook her leg occasionally.

"Thank God there's no car alarm." she thought. "That would have awaken the whole neighborhood."

She crept up the driveway. Her parents and sister were already at the door. She tried to walk faster but her leg said no. She stopped and shook her leg again. The tingling had faded but the pain was definitely there for sure. She grabbed onto the next car and continued walking slowly. She looked up and the door was opened. Her parents and sister were going inside without her.

"That's not fair. Go on and leave me here. I'll be fine." she thought.

She looked back up and someone was standing on the porch.

"Crap!" she thought.

"Are you ok?" the shadowy figure asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. My leg just fell to sleep. I'm trying to walk it awake." she said.

"Here, let me help you." he said as he walked towards her.

"Please let that be John." she thought.

He got closer to her and she could tell it was John. She exhaled slowly. He walked over to her, turned around and knelt down.

"Put your arms around my neck and climb aboard." John said.

"Piggyback ride?" she thought. "Ok then."

She put her arms around his neck and got on his back. He grabbed her legs, raised up and carried her towards the house.

"Did you have a nice trip?" John asked.

"It was long." she said.

He laughed and said, "Yeah, it is."

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now