Chapter II

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When she finally woke up, it was morning. She yawned and looked out the window. There were cars everywhere. She smiled.

She was so happy she was going to see places she had never seen before. Maybe even meet some people she could make friends with. Being 16 was the greatest thing toher. All she wanted to do was have fun and make some friends.

Her mom noticed she was awake.

"Hello sleepyhead." her mom said.

"Morning!" she said eagerly.

Her sister sat there staring at her in disgust. Her sister shook her head and went back to reading her book.

She started looking at the license plates of the passing cars. She noticed they were Texas license plates.

"Are we still in Texas?" she asked.

"Yes honey, we're still in Texas." her mom answered.

"Oh. I thought we'd be farther along on our trip by now." she said.

"It takes time. We'll be at the Texas border on a little while. Ok." her mom said.

"Ok." she said and went back to staring out the window.

She realized why her sister was so down. It was becoming boring.

"How long is this trip going to take?" she thought.

She just sat there with her head against the window looking out.

She didn't see any other license plates but Texas. This was turning into the worst trip ever.

Time was passing too slowly for her. She wanted to be in Georgia already meeting and making new friends. This was so unfair. Almost cruel. For a 16 year old, this was not what she expected. Her first trip out of Texas and it was a bust.

"Nothing to do. Nothing to see. I feel tricked. What did they say again? Oh, yeah! It will be the best trip ever. They lied. This is not turning out to be the best trip ever. This is definitely not fun! What a rip!" she thought.

"What's wrong?" her mom asked.

"Nothing. I just thought this trip was going to be fun like you said." she answered.

"Give it time, honey. We've only been on the road a few hours." her mom said.

"I'll try but I'm not making any promises." she said.

She looked over at her sister who was laughing at her.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"You are." her sister answered.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I tried to tell you it was going to be boring. There's nothing to do. There never is. It's like my trip on the bus to camp. If you don't sit next to somebody who'll talk to you, it's just plain boring." her sister said.

"Whatever." she said.

"Would you like a book?" her sister asked.

"I guess so." she answered.

Her sister picked up a bag from the floor board. It was full of books. Her sister handed it to her and she started digging them out one at a time. She looked at each cover and then sat them down in the seat next to her.

They all seemed to be romance novels. She didn't really like to read romance novels but she didn't have any choice this time. She would kill for a horror book right now. She picked out one book and turned it over.

The woman had found true love in a man she had just met. She saw him and knew he was the man for her.

"Yeah, right." she thought. She read on.

He was a rich man from the north. She was a poor woman from the south. Together they made each other whole.

"Whole lotta crap I say. True love. Ha! No such thing." she thought. She had heard people talk about it but she hadn't experienced it for herself so she didn't believe it existed.

She turned the book over and carefully examined the front cover. He was standing behind her with his left arm wrapped around her waist. His right hand was pulling her hair back away from her face. He was looking down towards her face. She was looking up towards his face.

"What was the picture trying to say?" she thought.

She was clueless. She opened the book and started reading. She read a few pages of the book then stopped.

She looked over at her sister and asked, "Are they all boring in the beginning?"

"Most of them. Yeah." her sister said.

"They get any better?" she asked.

"Yes!" her sister answered angrily.

"Sorry. I'll let you get back to your book." she said.

Her sister gave her a gruff look then went back to reading. She went back to reading her own book. It was so boring.

"How could anyone like this crap?" she thought.

She kept on reading until the book took a turn on her. The woman saw the man from across the room. He was standing there talking to two other men. She stood there staring at him. All of a sudden, he looked her direction and saw her standing all alone. She stood her ground even though her heart was rapidly beating in her chest. Their eyes met from across the room. He excused himself and walked towards her. She tried to act like she didn't notice. He walked right up to her and introduced himself. She told him her name. He motioned her to the balcony. The moon was out and shone brightly in the sky. She stared at him and he stared back at her. Then all of a sudden, they were kissing and holding each other.

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