Chapter VLIX

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 For the next few days, Shelby tried to keep her mind off of her party and her plans. She wasn't having any luck. She found herself climbing up to the treehouse everyday this week so far. She would look out the window and think about what to say to Tommy and where they would sit.

She always ended up looking at that magazine of John's while she was up there trying to get some sort of an idea what to do. She really didn't know what else to do but ask someone. She couldn't ask John. That would be too weird. She couldn't talk to Frank about it. She didn't want to talk to Joyce about it cause she would try to talk her out of it.

So she did the only thing she could think of. She decided to talk to Tommy about her plans. She ran things through her mind like questions she needed to ask and how not to tell too much about what she didn't know. She didn't want to look stupid but she didn't want to do anything stupid when they were alone and ruin the night for them both.

She looked out the window one last time before climbing down. She went into the house and looked for a pen and paper. She wrote down a few questions that she needed to ask. She realized she hadn't talked to John yet about anything he might know about her birthday plans.

She looked at her phone and realized they were late coming home. Then she noticed the date. It was her birthday. Friday had sneaked up on her. She had wasted all that time goofing off everyday that nothing got done. She double checked herself just to be on the safe side. She went to the calendar in the kitchen. Joyce had crossed out all the days before Friday.

"Well, I'm a total screw up. It's Friday and I didn't even notice." she thought.

She went back into her room and put on her birthday outfit. She brushed her hair and put it up in a ponytail. She grabbed her make up and went into the bathroom to put it on. When she was done, she walked outside to wait.

Joyce was the first to get there. She walked up and showed Shelby what she had in the bags. She had stopped by somewhere and picked up hamburgers and fries. John and Frank were next to arrive. They had the cake and ice cream. She was getting happier and happier.

Donald and Vince showed up with their gifts. She put the gifts by the couch. They waited on Cheryl and Tommy to show up. Cheryl called and said she was running late but she was coming. Tommy hadn't called or showed up yet. Then there was a knock on the door.

Tommy was standing there with nothing in his hands. Shelby let him in and he walked to the kitchen. When she walked in, he was shoving something back into his pocket.

"He put my gift in his pocket. Sneaky." she thought.

Cheryl finally showed up five minutes after she had called. The party could now start. They all sat down and Joyce passed out the burgers and fries.

"No more biting or I'll have to find you a muzzle." Frank teased Shelby.

"What's that all about?" Cheryl asked.

John leaned over and told her in her ear quietly. Shelby still knew what he said but it didn't embarrass her as much. She sat and pretended not to notice Tommy staring at her. It was a hard thing to do when he was sitting right beside her.

He reached over and put his hand on her leg. She allowed him to run his hand under her skirt but only so far. When he went too far, she would grab his hand and stop him. She still needed to talk to him and she had no idea how to do that.

He pulled his hand out from under her skirt then leaned over and asked, "Are you nervous about tonight?"

"Not too much." she said. "How about you?" she asked.

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