Chapter XLVIII

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 When they got to the house, everybody grabbed their bags and got out. John followed Tommy to his house. Donald and Vince went to their own houses. They left Shelby standing by the car. She shut the door and went inside the house.Joyce was in the living room with Frank. They were watching TV together.

"Can I talk to you a minute, Joyce?" Shelby asked.

Joyce got up and followed Shelby to her room. She showed Joyce the reciept then the bra. It was the same brand and the size she needed. Shelby laid the bra on the bed with the undies and waited for Joyce to say something.

"That's exactly what'll knock his socks off." Joyce said.

"I did good then?" Shelby asked.

"You did real good honey." Joyce said as she walked out of the room.

Shelby took her outfit that she was going to wear, the undies and bra and hid them in the bottom of her suitcase. She didn't want anyone to find them.

She sat down on the bed and saw Tommy's curtain was opened. She tried not to spy but she was nosy. She sat there watching John and Tommy in the room. She started wondering.

"I hope they didn't see what I bought through the window." she thought.

She sat there a little while longer until she heard Joyce calling her.

"Shelby. Shelby. Earth to Shelby." Joyce said.

Shelby turned to see Joyce standing in the doorway and said, "I'm sorry. I don't know where my head is today."

"Did something happen?" Joyce asked.

"No I'm fine. I'm just lost in my thoughts today." she said.

"Oh what it is to be in love." Joyce said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You're sitting there watching Tommy and don't deny it. You're wondering about what he got you and you know you are. All your plans for your birthday keep rollling through your mind and you get lost in thought." Joyce stated. "Am I right?" she asked.

"Yes." Shelby answered laughing.

"You're in love. There's nothing you can do." Joyce said.

"I'm doomed." she said.

"Yep just like the rest of us love sick fools." Joyce laughed. "What are you going to do when it's time for you to leave?" she asked.

"I told you. I'm taking Tommy with me." Shelby laughed. "I know. I know. All joking aside, I haven't thought about it. I know I need to." she said.

"Yeah and you need to do it before Friday. You don't want to do anything like what you're planning then leave and never see him again. That's not right for either of you." Joyce said.

"I guess I do need to rethink my plans. I don't want to change them though. I want him to know how I really feel about him before I leave even if it is forever." she said.

"Are you sure?" Joyce asked.

"I'm sure. I've never been more certain in my life." she said.

"Ok then. I'll leave you alone about it." Joyce said.

Joyce walked out of the room and Shelby went back to watching John and Tommy out the window. They were still in Tommy's room. They were talking about something.

"I wish I was a fly on that wall right now." she thought.

She started rethinking her plans for Friday night even though she had no idea what she would be doing. She thought about where was a good place to be alone with Tommy. They could spend the night in the treehouse but then would anyone else be able to go up there again afterwards. Nope. She didn't even think she'd want to go back up there now knowing what she was thinking of doing up there.

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