Chapter XIX

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 When they got back, John took her pole and went to the shed to put it up. Tommy stood there waiting for John to get back. Donald and Vince said ther goodbyes and walked home.

When John returned, Tommy asked, "What do you want to do later?"

"I don't know. I'll come by later and we'll talk about it." John said.

"Ok. I'll talk to you two later." Tommy said.

"I had a good time today." Tommy said to Shelby.

"I had a good time, too." she said.

"See you later." he said as he walked next door.

"What did I tell you?" John asked.

"I'm just being friendly." she said. "I'm his friend. He's my friend, too. I like seeing him happy. In case you didn't notice, he was very happy today." "Don't you want him to be happy?" she asked.

"Sure I want him to be happy just don't give him the wrong idea about you." John said.

"You said to be his friend. That's all I'm doing, John." she said.

"I don't want you getting hurt." John said.

"I won't." she said.

They walked around the house and went inside. John showed off the fish. Joyce took them into the kitchen.

"Shelby caught most of them." John said.

She just stood there smiling. She went and sat down on the couch next to Gracey. Gracey acted like she was mad.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Dad's thinking about staying longer. I might not get to go to camp this year." Gracey said.

"You want me to talk to him. I'll let him know how you feel." she said.

"I already did. Besides, you're getting to stay the summer. Dad wants to make sure you're ok before he leaves." Gracey said.

"He doesn't trust me, does he?" she asked.

"It's not you, it's those guys you've been hanging out with." Gracey said.

"John's friends?" she asked.

"Yeah. He doesn't know if they can handle wtching you all summer." Gracey said.

"Between the four of them, they're doing a good job so far." she said. "They've included me in their group."

"You've been with them two days. They have to keep watch over you for two and a half months more." Gracey said.

"I think they can do it. Besides, I can take care of myself. I don't need any babysitters." she said.

"Shelby, are you sure?" their dad asked.

She turned to look at him and said, "Yes."

"Then it's settled then. You can stay and we'll leace like we orginally planned." their dad said.

That made them both happy. Gracey wouldn't miss camp and she sould spend more time with her brother and her new friends. John's only concern was Tommy.

Joyce returned from the kitchen wanting to know about lunch. Everybody wanted something different. She had an idea.

"How about pizza?" she asked.

"I'll go get it, if you call in an order." John offered.

"Can I go?" she asked.

"Sure. I may need the extra hands." John said.

"That means you carry the pizzas." Gracey said.

She looked from Gracey to John. They were both smiling.

"Hang on a minute. Wait just a second. That's not fair." she said.

Everybody laughed but her.

"Can I ride in front?" she asked.

"Sure." John said.

"I'll do it then." she said.

Joyce wrote down the order and then called it in.

"By the time you get there, they should be ready." Joyce said.

"Let's go." John said grabbing his keys.

They left the house and got into the car. They pulled out and headed into town. The radio was on and the windows were down. All she had asked for was coming true. Her brother liked her, she made new friends and she was having loads of fun.

"What else could a person want? Pizza!" she thought then smiled.

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