Chapter XLII

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 For the next week, she watched Tommy and John. She listened in to every conversation they had around her. She wanted to find out as much as she could about what they were planning to do to the three guys that attacked her. She waited patiently for them to slip up but they didn't. She hadn't found out a thing. She was beginning to think she was wasting her time.

They would come in from work, eat dinner, watch some TV and then go to bed. Tommy didn't always stay in John's room. Sometimes he would sneak out and climb into Shelby's bed. No one had said anything about it yet.

The weekend was coming and she remembered what JOhn said. John had said that there wouldn't be any parties for awhile. They had no where really to go cause if Shelby didn't go nobody would go. She thought she had them right where she wanted them. She was so wrong.

By the time the weekend arrived, she hadn't learned squat. They didn't talk about any plans what so ever in front of her or around her. She was getting frustrated at them.

Friday night, John decided they would go out riding. They made only a few stops. Either cause someone had to go to the bathroom or for gas. That was it. They didn't stop to talk to anyone. They drove and listened to the music on the radio. It was fine but not as much fun as she had been having.

They were back at the house around midnight. It was boring to her. She went to her room to lay down. Tommy followed her.

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing." she said.

"Something's wrong." Tommy said.

"That was so boring. We didn't do anything fun." she said.

"It's not always about doing something fun. Sometimes it's about just being with friends. Like now. I enjoy spending time with you and we don't have to do anything." Tommy said.

"I know. I see what you're saying." she said.

"Sometimes just being near you is enough. We don't even have to talk." he said.

"Now you're being weird." she laughed.

"I'm being serious. Here lately, I haven't been able to sleep unless I'm in here with you." Tommy confessed.

"I've noticed." she said. "You get caught. It's your own ass."

"Joyce and Frank know that I've been staying in here. John didn't though. He wasn't too pleased about it." Tommy said.

She laid down and Tommy followed. He pulled her close and looked at her. She laid as still as she could. He stared at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing." he said.

She went to speak again and he placed his finger across her lips. She didn't speak. She looked up at him as he looked down at her. They stayed that way for a while. He leaned down and kissed her.

"What are you wanting?" she asked.

"Nothing. I just want to be here with you like this. That's all." he said.

"You just want to be with me?" she asked.

"Yes." he answered.

"What are you going to do when I go back home?" she asked.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it." he said.

"Well, for one, you won't be able to sleep." she said. "If you can't sleep with me, you won't be sleeping."

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now