Chapter XXXIV

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 It was nearly seven at night. They had finished dinner and it was time to put the rest of their plan to work. Joyce and Frank were in the living room watching TV. Shelby retired to her room. John and Tommy were in John's room talking. Shelby left her door open so she could listen in. They were talking about her.

John was asking all the questions and Tommy was avoiding answering them. She could hear the difference in John's tone of voice when he asked a question he really wanted answered. Tommy dodged as many as he could.

John started about the party tonight and what was not going to happen. Tommy sat and listened just like Shelby was. She couldn't help but be nosy. It was in her nature.

"Do you plan on sleeping with Shelby tonight?" John asked.

"We've never discussed it." Tommy answered.

"That's not an answer." John said.

"Do you think I would try something without talking to Shelby first?" Tommy asked.

"Yes." John said.

"It's like you don't know me at all. I would never do that." Tommy said.

"Shelby asked me about what you said." John said.

"What did I say?" Tommy inquired.

"Playing at the party." John answered.

"At least I talked to her about it." Tommy said.

"She agreed without knowing what you were talking about." John said.

"How am I supposed to know that she didn't know what I meant?" Tommy asked. "She said it first." he said.

"Damn." she thought.

"Shelby, come here please." John said.

"On my way." Shelby said.

She got off the bed and walked slowly to John's room. Tommy was sitting on the bed and John was pacing. She walked in and sat down next to Tommy.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked.

"No." John said.

Shelby sat there quietly waiting on John. She had her head down. She was looking at the floor waiting. Tommy reached over and took her hand. She looked over at him. He was looking at her. She turned and went back to staring at the floor.

"You knew what I was talking about. Right?" Tommy asked her.

"I wasn't totally sure but I had an idea that you were talking about sex." Shelby answered.

"Shh!" John said as he shut his bedroom door. "If Joyce or Frank hears you, Tommy'll have to leave." he said. "You don't want that to happen, do you?" he asked.

"No, I don't. I don't want Tommy to leave." she said.

"You two need to decide if you're going together or just friends." John said.

"We're a couple." Shelby and Tommy said.

"Well, at least you know that much. I don't think it would be a good idea if you two "played" at the party tonight. You might get caught by somebody. We don't need anyone finding out. Too many people gossip in this town." John said.

"I hear you." she said.

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"It's the same way at home. Everybody knows everybody's business. There's no privacy." she said.

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