Chapter XV

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 A car pulled into the driveway next door. She couldn't help but be nosy. Someone got out and went to the door. They knocked. Someone answered to door and stepped out on the porch. She couldn't make out who it was. She watched intently. She didn't mean to stare but she did.

"This is more interesting than the stars." she thought.

The two people stood on the porch in the dark. The one who drove there went back to the car and got out a box. The person walked back to the porch and handed the box over. The person pretty much shoved the box at the other person.

The other person started yelling but she was too far away to make out what was being said. The other person turned and walked away. They got back in the car and drove away. The person on the porch stood there and watched. When the car was gone, the person turned and entered the house slamming the door.

"Well, he's pissed." she thought. "I wonder if that was Tommy."

She went back to looking at the sky. She wasn't having any luck putting the constellations together. The porch light came on and she turned her head towards the house. The door opened.

"Shelby, time to come in." her mom said.

"Ok, Mom." she said.

She slid off the car and dusted her butt off. She looked up and saw Tommy in one of the bedrooms alone. He was emptying the things out of the box. She started feeling aorry for him.

"Poor guy. I hope he's going to be ok." she thought.

She walked up to the house and went inside. The door closed behind her. Gracey had already gone to the bedroom. She went to the bedroom and went through her suitcase to find her nightgown.

"I'm going to take a shower." she yelled.

"Ok." her mom yelled back.

She went into the bathroom and started the shower. She looked into the mirror. Her hair was messed up. The wind through the windows and the lake water had done a real number on her hair.

"I wonder if John did that or the wind from the car ride." she thought. "Tomorrow - ponytail."

She took her shower and got out. She dried off and dressed for bed. She brushed her hair and went back to the bedroom. Gracey was still asleep. She looked out the window to see if anything was happening outside. Nothing to be seen but stars. The light was still on in the bedroom Tommy was in.

"I guess he'll be ok. See you in the morning Tommy." she thought.

She climbed into bed and stared out the window until she fell asleep. By the way she felt, that was going to be a long time. She watched out the bedroom window waiting. Finally, after maybe an hour or more, the light turned off. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now