Chapter LIV

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 Tommy woke her up about five o'clock. She woke up easily this time. He had no trouble at all. She sat up on her elbows and looked at him.

"It's time to get ready." he said. "You want to shower?" he asked.

"A shower would be great." she said thinking he was talking about them showering together.

She leaned over and kissed him. He moved away.

"We don't have time for that." he said. "You need to go jump in the shower and then get dressed."

"You're not showering with me?" she asked.

"I've already had my shower." he said. "I'm dressed and ready to go. Now, come on and get a move on."

She got up and went into the bathroom. She started the shower then started to cry. She had no idea why she was crying. She wasn't sad and she wasn't happy either. She was somewhat in between happy and sad. It wasn't a good feeling.

She got in the shower and cleaned up. She couldn't stop crying. She had to stop or she wouldn't be able to go out tonight. People would notice she had been crying because of her eyes. She cried as much as she wanted then she just stopped as quickly as she started.

She turned the water off and got out. She found a towel and dried off. She wrapped the towel around her and went to get her bag. She walked out of the bathroom and he ws watching for her. She never looked up. She grabbed the bag and went right back into the bathroom. She reappeared and dug in her purse for her brush. She turned around and went right back to the bathroom. She shut the door.

Tommy laid there waiting on her. She dressed, put on her make up then dried and brushed her hair. She walked back out of the bathroom and put on her heels. She went to the nightstand and checked her phone. The battery was full and no one had called or texted her. She put her phone in her purse. She went back into the bathroom and came back out with the bag. She picked up her clothes off of the floor and put them in the bag. She put the bag back in the chair. Tommy watched her the whole time.

"I'm ready." she said.

"You look beautiful." he said as he patted the bed.

"We don't have time for that." she said picking up the bag and walking out of the room.

"Wait! Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm taking my clothes back home and then I'm going to wait on the porch for everybody else to get ready." she said then walked out the front door.

She walked across the yard and to the house. She went in and went straight to her room. As soon as she got there, she noticed the clothes that she put on the floor were gone. She put the bag down and left the room. She walked back outside. Tommy was sitting in a chair. She picked the chair next to him and sat down.

"Is John almost ready?" he asked.

"Don't know. I didn't see him. I just went to my room and put the bag in there then walked back out." she said.

Nothing else was said between them until their phones went off. She reached in her purse and read the text. She texted him back the message: On the porch ready to go. Tommy answered she just didn't know what he said.

Donald and Vince walked up as John exited the house. John nodded to them then noticed Shelby and Tommy on the porch.

"You're early again." John said. "Don't make a habit out of it. You're making me look bad."

"You don't need his help. You're doing fine all on your own." she said.

Tommy and Shelby got up and walked off the porch. John and Vince walked to John's car. Donald followed Tommy and Shelby to Tommy's car.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now