Chapter XIV

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 They sat on the couch quite for a long time. She started watching the movie that was on TV. She had missed the beginning of it and was lost.

"What's this movie about?" she asked.

"A man and woman go on a cruise separately. They fall for each other and decide to meet each other six months later to marry. Things don't go as planned. Right now in the movie, she's had an accident and is working for the priest. Watch and learn." John said.

She turned back to the movie. The woman was leading the children in song. The children were singing and she was sitting in a chair with their parents. When the children finished singing, the parents clapped.

"How is this going to help me?" she thought.

The movie continued. The man was painting a billboard. Another man showed up and told him that a painting had sold.

"This is kind of boring." she thought.

The woman was in a theater with another man. The man from the billboard was there with another woman. They were watching something on stage. Then the show was over. The billboard man and woman were walking up the aisle. The woman in the seat dropped something. The billboard man picked it up and handed it to her. He said something to her and she spoke back.When the theater was empty, an usher rolled a wheelchair to the woman.

"She can't walk!" she thought.

The billboard man was in a car with the other woman. He had the car stop and he got out. Next scene, the woman was being taken home. She was home in bed with the children around her. The children sang a song then left. The woman was on the couch with another woman there. They were talking. When the woman went to leave, the man was standing at the door. He walked in with a package in his hand. He sat down in a chair and they talked. He gave her the package and she opened it.

"What did I miss?" she asked nudging John.

"They visited one of his relatives. The old woman wore that shawl. She died. He brought the shawl to her." John said.

She went back to watching the movie. The woman put the shawl around her. The man was up walking around the room. He said something and went to leave but stopped. He walked over to a door and opened it. There was a painting on the wall with her in it with the shawl. He started crying, she was crying.

She told him if he could paint, she could walk. Then the movie ended. John turned to look at her. She had sat there and cried at the end of the movie. He reached for her, she got up and walked outside. She sat down on the porch. John followed her outside and sat down beside her.

"You alright?" John asked.

"I think so." she said. "I've never done that before. It was a little embarrassing." she laughed trying to make light of what had just happened.

"You don't watch romantic movies do you?" John asked.

"That's the first one." she admitted. "Are they all sad?" she asked.

"No. Not all of them." John said. "They can still make you cry though."

"I felt real uncomfortable sitting there crying like that." she said. "Was I the only one?" she asked.

"Don't know. I just noticed that you were." John said.

"Great!" she asid. "Did anyone else notice?" she asked.

"I don't think so. There's nothing wrong with crying." John said.

"Do you cry?" she asked.

"No!" John said quickly.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because I'm a guy. Guys don't cry at least not infront of anybody." John said.

"So, you do cry." she teased.

"If you tell anyone, so help me, I'll bar you from going places with me." John threatened.

He pushed her and she pushed back. They started laughing. He messed up her hair.

"Hey, don't mess up my hair." she said.

"It was already messed up. No damage done." John said laughing.

"Gee, thanks!" she said.

"You're welcome." John said. "You going to be ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just going to sit here a while longer." she said.

John got up and went back inside. She looked up and the sky was getting dark. The stars were starting to come out. She sat there waiting for it to get a little darker so she could look at the stars better.

She loved doing that at home. She liked trying to find the constellations.

She walked out into the yard to the car. She climbed up onto the trunk and laid back. She watched the sky get darker and more stars show up. She tried to match up the stars for the constellations she knew. She couldn't do it. She got frustrated.

"I should be able to do this. What's wrong with me?" she thought.

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