Chapter XXXIII

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 The next morning when she woke up, she was all alone in bed. She jerked up in a sitting position in the bed and looked around. She could here voices coming from another room but who's room was it coming from.

She jumped up out of bed and dressed for the day. She stuck her head out of the door to look around. They were laughing whoever it was. She slid out the door and into the hallway.

"We're in here." a voice said from behind her.

She turned her head quickly to see John and Tommy in John's room. She walked towards them. She was nervous because she could have sworn that Tommy spent the night in her room and now she wasn't so sure.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"We're planning out the day." he said. "You want in?" he asked.

"You bet!" she said excitedly.

"There's another party tonight. Only problem is we got caught last night. Tommy's mom caught him getting into bed. We're not supposed to go out at all now. We're trying to figure out how to leave and not get caught." he said. "You got any ideas?" he asked.

"How about out the window?" she asked.

"My window makes a noise when it's raised." John said.

"I don't even know if I'm allowed home. I don't have any clothes here to wear." Tommy said.

"My window doesn't make any noise." she said.

They both turned to stare at her. She stood there staring back. Then the guys looked at each other and laughed.

"I guess that means you'll have to go then." John said.

"What about clothes for Tommy?" she asked. "I mean he looks fine the way he is but not good enough to be seen out and about." she laughed.

Tommy reached for Shelby and she dodged his grasp laughing.

"Ha! Ha! Missed me!" she laughed.

Tommy jumped up and Shelby took off running. Her squeal could be heard all through the house. When Tommy caught her, she was wedged against the living room wall and him. Her mind went back to the book she read. She now understood what was happening to the woman in the story because it was now happening to her.

She liked the way he pressed against her holding her in place. Her heart was racing and she very much wanted to kiss him. She sighed with anticipation. He realized what she was waiting for so he kissed her. He took both of her hands in his and held them to the wall above her head.

"Get a room!" John yelled from his bedroom.

"I had her in her room last night." Tommy said.

John was pissed over how Tommy's comment sounded. He was in the living room right next to Tommy before either of them knew what was happening.

"What did you say?" John asked Tommy.

"That didn't come out right." Tommy laughed backing away from John. "John, that's not what I meant."

"Did you sleep with my sister?" John asked flat out.

Shelby was shocked. She stayed by the wall out of the way. John was definitely going to hurt Tommy over his remark.

"Answer me, Tommy! Did you sleep with Shelby?" John yelled.

"Yes and no. Wait! Wait!" Tommy said as John moved closer.

"What do you mean "yes and no"?" John asked.

"I slept in the same bed but nothing happened. I promise you nothing happened. We slept. That's all." Tommy said in his defense as he was trying to stay out of John's reach.

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