Chapter XXX

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 For the next two evenings, she avoided seeing Tommy. She went without looking out the bedroom window for him. She didn't ask John about him when he saw him. She did the best she could do to ignore the subject "Tommy" altogether. She spent her days rereading the book Gracey loaned her trying to figure out where she had gone wrong.

In the book, the man and woman didn't know each other that well. She had tried to get to know Tommy. They had slept together immediately in the book. She couldn't fathom doing that with Tommy yet. She had only known him a few days.

"That's not how it should be. You should be in love with each other first." she thought.

Now that it was Friday morning, she had to hurry and finish the book so she could make things right between them. She had to find some way of making Tommy understand that she wasn't leading him on. Whether it was love or not, she didn't know but she really did care for him. She had to get that point across. If she didn't, she could lose him forever.

She looked out the window for the first time in two days. She saw that there was a car next door but it wasn't Tommy's. She looked at her phone. It was almost four o'clock. Frank and John would be home soon and so would Tommy. She had to read faster if she was going to explain to Tommy tonight.

She dug deeper into the book hoping to come up with some kind of solution. Everything that she had read was wrong for her situation. The book didn't have any standards or morals of any kind.

"If you like the guy, just go ahead and do whatever." she thought. "There has to be an answer."

The further she dug into the book, the more she realized she was going to need help from someone. She could always ask John but would he give her the right answer. She could call Cheryl and ask her but there was no guaranty she'd be right either.

"What should I do?" she thought.

She picked up her phone again and the sheet of paper underneath it with Cheryl's number. She called Cheryl and told her everything. Cheryl told her what she thought she should do. She ended the call.

"Now all I have to do is wait on John to get home." she thought. "Compare what they said and then go talk to Tommy."

She looked at the time on her phone again. It was almost five.

"They should be pulling in any minute now." she thought.

She put her book down on the nightstand and left the bedroom. She went outside and sat down on the porch steps. She wasn't there long before Frank and John pulled in. She sat there waiting to see if Tommy was going to be home soon. Frank and John exited the car and walked towards her.

"Hello there little lady." Frank said as he walked past her and into the house.

John stopped on the steps and waited for her to speak. She sat there thinking of what to say. Finally, John sat down beside her.

"You need to talk about something?" John asked.

"Yeah. I just don't know how to start." she said.

"Is it about Tommy?" John asked.

"Yes." she answered.

"What do you need from me?" he asked.

"I need your help. I want to talk to Tommy about Tuesday night." she said.

"Have you figured out what you want to say?" he asked.

"Not yet. That's the problem. I don't want to come off like a little girl. I want to be mature about this and not fight with him." she stated.

"You really do like him." he said.

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