Chapter XXXI

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 They walked out of the house together. Donald and Vince were standing by the car. They both turned and saw Shelby. They couldn't help but stare.

"Knock it off guys. It's just Shelby." John said. "Donald, you get in back. Vince, you ride up front with me."

"Keep Tommy and Vince separated. That'll work." she thought.

They stood outside the car waiting on Tommy. They waited for about five minutes when Tommy came out the front door. He trotted across the yard to the car.

"Sorry, I'm running late. Mom was going through her "Don't drink too much. Don't be late." routine." Tommy said.

Shelby got a whiff of Tommy's cologne when he got close to her. She inhaled as much as her lungs could hold.

"I hope that's for me. He smell great!" she thought as she let out a suttle sigh.

He heard her and met her gaze. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

"You look beautiful as always." he said looking over at Vince then back at Shelby.

"Thank you." she said.

"Let's go. Everybody in." John said.

Tommy reached for the door handle and opened the door for her. He held out his hand motioning her to get in. Vince was watching from the front seat.

"Lucky devil." Vince said under his breath.

John stared at him then said, "Leave it alone, Vince. He has every right to get a second chance.

"You know he's only doing this because of what I said. It's not fair." Vince said.

"I said to leave it alone. Now do it before you two have a fight." John said. "There will be no fighting tonight. It's Shelby's first party."

"But why does he always have to get all the girls?" Vince asked.

"There will be plenty at the party. And with Tommy preoccupied with Shelby, even you could get lucky tonight." John said.

John started the car and headed out of the drive. They went a different direction that Shelby hadn't been. She had no clue where they were going. They drove along listening to the radio but this time nobody was singing.

"Odd." she thought.

Tommy placed his hand on her leg. She left it there. He was looking out the window. She put her hand on top of his. He didn't move or flinch. Something was bothering him but she didn't know what. She reached over and tapped him on the arm. He turned quickly to look at her.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." he said then went back to looking out the window.

She looked up and saw John watching in the mirror. She shrugged her shoulders. John went back to watching the road.

They had driven for almost an hour before they had found their destination. The house was out in the middle of nowhere. all that could be seen was corn. The house sat out in the middle of a cornfield. There were cars everywhere parked around the house.

They parked off to the left of the house in the dark. Shelby looked at the clock on the radio before John turned the engine off. It was 7 o'clock.

"I hope there's food. I'm hungry." she thought.

She couldn't remember if she had eaten anything today. she didn't believe she had. She had come all this way on an empty stomach.

"Fall out." John said.

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