Chapter VII

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 "Hey, you want to wake up?" her mom said.

"Huh?" she said.

"We're finally in Georgia." her mom said.

"We are?" she said.

It was too dark to really see anything but that didn't keep her from trying. She strained to see something, anything outside. All she could see were headlights and the lights on the highway.

"There's nothing out there." she thought.

She laid her head back against the window and said, "Wake me when we get where we're staying tonight."

"Ok, Shelby, but I thought you'd be more excited than this." her dad said.

"I'm too tired right now. I'll be excited in the morning. Need sleep now." she said.

She closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. She dreamt about the book she had read. She was the woman but she couldn't see who the man was. His face was blurry. Everytime she tried to see who it was, his face blurred worse.

She didn't like this dream at all. She wanted it to stop. She tried to change it by thinking of other things to do. It got worse,. Instead of looking at him, she looked away. He still walked over to her. He introduced himself but she didn't answer him. He still motioned her to the balcony. She tried to stay inside but she walked outside with him anyway. There was the moon shining brightly in the sky. She knew what was coming next and she didn't want any of that to happen. Too late. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She saw herself kissing and holding on to him. He said that he was compelled to do that. She didn't say anything. She looked around him and yes, here was the other man coming towards them. He said that he needed to do something but he'd be right back. They walked off leaving her there alone. She stood as still as she could be but she ended up walking to the doors anyway. He was standing there holding hands with another woman. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. She sees them walk away together. She walks back inside to find them. She felt upset, but why? She passed through the crowd to the hallway. She goes right up to the door and opens it. The door flies open. They are just standing there. He said that he was almost done and would come back to the balcony in a couple of minutes. She turned and walked away.

"Wait! Go back! Ask who she is and why she's there?" she thought.

She walked back to the balcony. She started pacing waiting on him. Then, there he was behind her. She tried not to jump but she did. He said that he didn't mean to scare her and hugged her. She could hear his heartbeat.

"I think that's mine." she thought.

She looked up at him and he looked down at her. His arms lowered to her waist. She reached her arms around his neck. She could hear music playing in the background. He moved slowly side to side. She followed his lead. He started singing. Her heart started racing. He turned her around. He wrapped one arm around her waist. He reached and pulled her hair from her face. They looked at each other and kissed. His hand started moving upwards.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now