Final Battle

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Hermione POV: 

 We make our way to the great hall after the ceasefire is called so we can find the Weasleys, but all I find is heart break. Looking in the hall all I can see it the dead bodies of my classmates and teachers. We look until we find the Weasleys, I wish we hadn't. All I could think about was seeing him, but not like this, I look through the red heads trying to find him but when my eyes find George lying over his body crying, I ran, I ran to find Harry so that I could accompany him to the forest because I no longer wanted to live and I knew what awaited him in the forest . Seeing the love of my life laying dead with his twin brother crying over him was too much for me to handle. I had been dating him sense the year of the yule ball, we hadn't told anyone for fear that we would not be accepted. Now all I want is to go back in time and tell him I love him in front of his entire family, to kiss him one last time, to be with him when it happened, to even take his place. But no matter how much I wish I could change it I can't, Fred Weasley is dead and I can't do a thing about it.

I find Harry just as he is leaving and beg to go with him, He says he wont loose another family member tonight and for me to go back to the castle. After a small fight over it, I told him I would. As I am making my way back to the castle I see Draco Malfoy sitting in the rubble staring at what's left of the place we have called home for the past seven years. I draw my wand being ready for a fight. He looks up at me and says "I'm sorry about the Weasley boy, I know how you felt about him." Looking at him like he had four heads I said "How did you know?" he smirks and says "Because, I know what it looks like to hide who you are in love with from your family." "Oh." he pats the ground beside him telling me to sit beside him, I reluctantly join him on the ground (still holding my wand might I add.). We sit in silence for a while before he turns to look at me and says "I'm going to run away before this battle restarts, Would you like to join me?" without missing a beat I say "Yes, Let me go grab something and I'll meet you here in ten, Okay?" he shakes his head yes and I get up and run into the great hall and over to Freds body.

I lean over Fred and grab his wand from his hand and then I take his necklace I bought him for his birthday last year off his neck before kissing his forehead and exiting the hall. Once I return to the spot I told Draco I would meet him I see him leaning against a piece of remaining wall waiting on me. I approach him and wait a moment before saying "Lets go, before I change my mind." he doesn't miss a beat before he takes my hand and apparates us to a house "Where are we?" I ask him "In France." is all he says before taking me inside the house and telling me we are safe here and we don't ever have to go back if we don't want to. 

Later that night I remember what he said about hiding who he loved from his family so I ask him about it, "Draco, What did you mean when you said you hid who you loved from your family?" he looks at me and hesitates before saying "The girl I love is Muggleborn, and if my parents ever would have found out they would have killed her." "Who was the girl?" "She loved someone else, so I never even told her." "Draco, I'm going to ask one more bloody time. Who was the girl?" he looks me in the eyes and says "You." 

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