"Piss off, Zabini."

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Freddy POV: 

"Oi, Weasley?" Zeke Zabini says to me "What, Zabini?" I ask back slightly aggravated because I know he can see me trying to do my homework, "I'd say 'God bless you', but it looks like he already did." he says shooting me a wink. I roll my eyes and go back to my work, ignoring him. "Oi, Do you have a name? or can I just call you mine?" he starts again, I still ignore him so he takes my silence as an okay to tell more 'pick up' lines. "Are you from Hogwarts? because you're a nine and three fourths." I scoff at this one but still don't say anything back to him "Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" After this one I look up at him, lean across the table like I'm going to kiss him, then whisper in his ear "Sometimes, I wonder if your arse is jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth." then I sit back in my seat and go back to my homework. "You wound me, Weasley." Zeke says putting his hand over his heart "Piss off, Zabini." I say with a glare.

Georgia POV:

I see Freddy struggling to get any work done because of Zeke.... Lets just say shes not the only one not getting any work done. "Hey, Georgia....Are you a keyboard? because you are just my type." "Jacob, If you don't piss the fuck off so I can work... I will put your head through this table." "You know you wouldn't dare... Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?" "JACOB HAYDEN NOTT!" I scream and look at the annoying Ravenclaw sitting across from me "Yes?" he asks with a fake innocent look on his face, "I hope you did some homework... because Professor Malfoy is checking papers now." I say enjoying watching his face pale. "SHIT!" He yells before he begins to scribble on his paper rather quickly. 

Ember POV:

"Oi, Ember!" and "Weasley!" are being shouted at me from across the hall. "Yes? Jordan? Taylor?" I ask them, they share a smirk before Jordan starts "I'm going to have to ask you to leave... You're making the other girls look bad." I reach up to smack him but before I can Taylor starts "You look ill. You must be suffering from lack of vitamin ME!" they continue like this for a while "Are you a mountain? because I can't get over you." "If you were a fruit, you would be a fineapple." "Your hand looks heavy... Can I hold it?" "Is your name Ariel? because I think we mermaid for each other." "You can call me Nemo, cause I'm never afraid to touch the butt." after Taylor says that one I reach up to smack both of them before I say "Are you my homework? because I would like nothing more than to ignore your existence." and take off running for class ignoring the amused Slytherin and slightly offended Gryffindor boy behind me. 

Zeke POV:

After we successfully annoy the girls all day with pickup lines, I get the guys to meet up in the library to talk game plan. "If we keep going at the pace we are currently going we might get a date by seventh year." Taylor says looking rather displeased with how my plan worked. "Well, Coote, What do you suggest we do?" Jacob asks looking annoyed with the older Gryffindor, while they are bickering I get an idea "I don't know what you blokes are doing... But I need tigerlilys and a purple bow." I say getting up and running for the exit of the library, just before I can exit I hear my best mate Jacob yell "Thanks for the bloody help, GIT!" I smirk, turn and wink at him, and then continue on my way to Hufflepuff common room to put my plan into action... I hope this works.

Freddy POV:

I gather my sisters in the R.O.R so I can go over the rules... "Okay, Are you two ready?" I ask them "HELL YEAH!" Ember yells earning laughs from Georgia and I. "Okay, so rule number one is, You've gotta have fun... but when the fun is done, you have to be the first to run." As soon as I say this Embers eyes light up "Really? Our rules are that one song?" she asks looking at me oddly "Yes, Now hush. Rule Number two, Don't get attached to someone you actually like." Georgia shakes her head and smirks an evil smirk. "Rule Number three, wear your heart on your cheek... never on your sleeve." she says. Ember then starts "Rule number four, Gotta be looking pure. Kiss him goodbye at the door, leave him wanting more." she sings, before I know whats going on we are all singing and dancing around the R.O.R. 

"ENOUGH!" I finally yell after Ember starts another song. "What?" she asks "Well, If you want to be a heart breaker... We need to pick guys to start with.... I think I'll go for Abe Nott." I say smirking at my sisters, Georgia is the next to speak "Cameron Crabbe is pretty interesting..." she says with a smirk. We both turn to ember who is already looking mad with the grin she is wearing "Dixon Thakur." is all she says before her grin turns into a smirk... "I'll show him just what a Weasley can do.... Do you think this will make Jordan or Taylor notice me?" Ember asks us, "I don't know, but I can tell you this will drive Zeke and Jacob mad." I say smirking and looking to Georgia who is wearing a matching smirk, "Absolutely mad, might even make them bonkers." Georgia says to Ember before we all set off to our common rooms so we aren't out after curfew. "I don't see why we are even going back, aren't we just going to sneak out tonight anyway?" my twin asks me "You know we are... But we need to at least make it look like we are following the rules." 


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