Sorted and Sibling Rivalries

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Flicker POV:

Once the hat is placed on my hat it immediately begins to speak to me in my mind. "What do we have here? A Zabini? A Granger? Strange combination I must admit. You share a ambitious mind with your older sisters Freddy and Georgia... but you just aren't cunning enough for Slytherin. You must share a bunch of courage with your sister Ember... but you lack true bravery. You and Your brother Zeke on the other hand... You share a lot. Loyalty, Kindness, Patience, and Dedication. I know what I'm going to do with you. Better be... Hufflepuff!" I am frozen to my seat as I recount the siblings the hat named off that I have here. Two sisters in Slytherin, One sister in Gryffindor, and a brother in Hufflepuff... My parents got around a bit. 

"Hermione, do you have anyone you would like me to call to show her around?" Professor Longbottom asks my mother, "Just call her half brother. Zeke will know how to get her into the Hufflepuff common room." My mother says before kissing me on the head and disappearing into the floo with my step father. "Miss. Zabini, Have a seat on that chair while I send for your brother." I huff and sit down quickly into the chair provided for me. Ten minuets later my brother comes stumbling into the office with is hair messed up and his tie partly undone... He is also with a pretty red head girl in Slytherin robes, who is in similar condition to my brother. "Mr. Zabini, Miss. Weasley.... We need Zeke to show Your little sister Flicker around." The girl and boys eyes open, "What do you mean 'our' sister?" the girl asks looking over at me shockingly, "Your mother Miss. Weasley and Mr. Zabinis father had a child... and this is her." 

I take notice of the pairs interlaced hands and come to the conclusion that my Half-Brother and Half-Sister are dating... Good thing they aren't related. "Follow us." the boy says slowly walking out of the office, pulling the girl behind him. Once we exit the office we are met with a girl who looks just like the one dating my brother, a boy who has 'NOTT' written in bold letters across his shirt, a blonde girl in a muggle wheel chair, and a boy who looks very intimidating standing behind the girl in the wheelchair. "Who's she?" the intimidating boy asks pulling the blonde girl behind him, making her huff out in annoyance. "Damon, This is Flicker Zabini/Granger...." My brother, Zeke?, says causing everyone to gasp and the blonde girl to groan. 

"Flicker, this is Georgia,..." Zeke says pointing to a girl in Slytherin robes who is holding a Ravenclaw boys hand"..., the idiot holding her hand is Jacob Nott. The blonde girl in the Wheel chair is Ember, the boy who is practically growling at anyone who walks within five feet of Ember is Damon, This is Freddy..." he says pointing to the girl who was holding his hand "... And I'm Zeke." As soon as I know all of my siblings I instantly realize what a competition this would turn out to be. Freddy and Georgia are basically pranking goddesses, Zeke is top of his year, and Ember is the third youngest seeker since Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy went to school here. "Follow me." my brother says dragging me off down a corridor, and over to some barrels. "You have to tap the correct rhythm on the barrels to enter the common room." he tells me, and shows me the rhythm so I can come and go as I please. "Okay... You get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He says before rudely pushing me towards the stairs and walking off... Oh big brother... You just started a war of the siblings. 

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