The Unbreakable Vow

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Hermione POV: (Time Hop Back To Before Ember Woke Up!(The Night Damon Found Her To Be Specif))

It's barely two in the morning when I am awoken by frantic tapping on Fred and I's bedroom window. "Fred, Go get the Owl." I croak out, slapping my husband in the face with a pillow. "Bloody hell, Mia.... Fine! I'm going! I'm going!" he says getting up, after I hit him with the pillow a few more times. I hear him open the window and three panicked owls fly into our bedroom. I know something is wrong when I see one owl alone is carrying six letters. I shoot out of bed and run across the room to Fred, and we begin to open the letters... Starting with the one from Neville.  Fred rips open the letter and we both begin to scan the letter... All at once I feel like my heart has stopped. "No... Not my baby..." I begin to sob into Freds chest as he begins to open the other letters. "Love, Who is Damon Wolpert?" Fred suddenly asks me out of the blue. "I don't know... Why?" I whisper back, tears still leaking from my eyes. "Because, Had he not been in the common room... Ember would be dead." 

After reading through the rest of the letters I sit down on the floor and sob, thinking about how much pain my baby was in right now. Fred sits down beside me and I bury my face into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and whispers soothing words into my ear for nearly an hour before I shoot up in his arms remembering something. "I NEED TO GO SEE DRACO!" I yell, quickly standing up and running into the living room to floo to Malfoy Manor. "Mia!" Fred says grabbing my hand. "Fred, I need to go see Draco." I repeat to him, turning towards the floo. "Do you want me to come?" he asks me just as I am about to leave. "No... I need to do this alone." I say kissing the love of my life on the cheek, before stepping into the floo, grabbing a hand full of floo powder, tossing it down, and yelling Malfoy Manor. 

With a thud I land inside of the fire place, in the front room, of Malfoy Manor. "DRACO! DRACO! GET DOWN HERE!" I yell in a panicked voice. Five sets of feet from the floor above me begin to run towards the stairs, and the next thing I know Draco, Astoria, Ms. Black, Flora Carrow, and her and Draco's son Regulus are standing in front of me."Hermione?" Draco questions taking notice of my tear stained face, and blood shot eyes. "It's Ember...." is all I can say before he pulls me into a tight hug. He hugs me for a few moments before his very annoyed wife clears her throat rather loudly. Draco pulls away from the hug he had given me, concern for his only daughter written all across his face. "What happened to Ember?" his mother questions, "She... She tried to kill herself... She was dead for nearly five minuets before theyrevived her... If a werewolf boy hadn't been in the common room, she would be dead right now." I tell them watching their reactions. Draco looks at me for a moment registering what I said before he breaks down sobbing in the middle of his floor, his mother looks shocked and places a hand on Dracos shoulder, Flora Carrow can't stop the tears from pooling in her eyes, Regulus just turns to hug his mother, Astoria on the other hand is smirking... looking happy about the entire thing.

Astoria all of a sudden says, "It's a shame the werewolf boy was in the common room... all that little half breed is doing is tainting Dracos family name.", with a smirk on her face... No one in the room was ready for what happened next. As soon as the words had left her lips, Flora Carrow drew her hand back and slapped Astoria clean across the face. "Are you bloody mental? Ember is only a child! What the hell is wrong with you?" Flora says drawing her hand back and slapping Astoria a second time, harder than the first. Astoria just stands frozen to her spot on the floor, in shock of the fact that Flora had the nerve to hit her. She opens her mouth to say something else but before she can toss another insult at my child, I draw my fist back and swing it into her perfect little face, that I know Draco and Theo probably paid for. "Don't. Ever. Say. A. Word. About. My. Child. You. Bitch." I say to Astoria through gritted teeth. She looks at me and opens her mouth to say something, but before she can, Draco says "Astoria... Pack your shit and leave my house. Leave Scorpious. But you need to get out." with absolute hate clear in his voice. 

After Draco, Flora, and I successfully get Astoria out of Malfoy Manor, we head into the living room to discuss what options we have. Just before we can talk Fred, George, Ginny, Blaise, Luna, and Theo come through the floo into Dracos common room. I shoot Fred a glare,  and he says "Love, Zeke Zabini and Jacob Nott wrote Blaise and Theo, who practically had had a small army of people in our flat demanding to know what happened. Harry, and the rest of the Weasley/Jordan/Lovegood/Zabini/Nott clan is back at our flat right now waiting on us." Fred informs me taking five steps towards me and wrapping me in his arms. "We need to talk to Draco about what we can do." I tell him stepping out of his hug and turning to Draco who just looks shook about the entire thing. "Draco, What do you think we should do?" I ask him slowly. "I think, Ember will need a lot of protection and a lot of help once she recovers... So, I'm going to pay for everything she needs. Any surgery, or healers fees... But I want Weasley to take an Unbreakable Vow with you... that he will protect my daughter however he can when she wakes up... I may be her father, but he is her Dad."

Before I can open my mouth Fred says "Deal.", Fred and I then take an Unbreakable Vow that Fred will do whatever he can to protect our little girl at all costs. "We are going to head home." I tell Draco, and the rest of his family, before I get into the floo, and go home to see my family. As soon as everyone is safely back to my flat we are all beyond tired. "I think we should go over to the school tomorrow, but right now, we all need to try and get a little sleep." Fred says before bidding everyone goodbye. I walk into our bedroom and crawl back into bed wordlessly, softly beginning to cry again. I don't think Fred had noticed until I fee the weight on the bed shift, and arms wrap around me, pulling me into the toned chest of my husband. "Love... She's a fighter... She's your daughter. Try and get some sleep. Goodnight, Mia." he then kisses my head and slowly drifts off to sleep. I slowly follow him to sleep, thinking of my blonde haired baby the entire time. 

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