Bloody Walls and Broken Dreams.

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Kory POV: 

Its three o'clock in the morning and I am currently being driven mad by Paxton, who insists that Coote is up to something and that we need to watch our backs. I personally think Pax' is being over-dramatic. "Coote wouldn't mess with any of us. He's afraid of us." I say rolling over trying to fall asleep. "I don't think he is... I think he's putting on a act so that Ember wont get suspicious." "Paxton, You are worried for nothing... We are fourteen, we have our entire lives ahead of us. All of our dreams to concur.... The walls of this school wont define us forever." I say before finally falling asleep.... I am woken up by a loud tapping on our window not three hours later. "Bloody bird." I groan, rolling out of bed, and walking to the window to retrieve the letter.  As I turn around to go back to my bed, I come face to face with Coote. "Mate, It's six in the morning. I don't have time to argue with you right now. Goodnight." I tell him pushing past him, Just before I close the curtains on my bed I hear Coote say "You will regret ever meeting her." before he exits our dorm, slamming the door on his way out.

*Time Skip: Great Hall*

"He was just creepily standing behind me... I think we need to request he move dorms." I say to Pax', Damon, and Cas'. "I've been trying to tell you lot that something was up with him." Paxton says looking at each of us. "We can't just back down... It's not who we are." Damon says with venom in his voice. Cassius reaches across the table and grabs Damon's hand before saying "Maybe we should just see what he wants first... What would that hurt?"  Damon looks discouraged and mumbles "My dignity." under his breath just soft enough that Paxton and Cas' can't hear him. As I open my mouth to say something to Damon, the doors to the great hall swing open and in walks Taylor Coote with his arm around Ember's waist... Holding his wand at Embers neck. Immediately Damon, Paxton, Cassius, James, Jordan, and I are on our feet, ready to fight if needed. 

Taylor POV:

I don't know what's wrong with me... I do know that blood will be shed before the morning is over though. Boot and his friends have been walking all over me for years... but them stealing Ember from me was the last straw. If my plans work out, I'll be sent to Azkaban before first light of tomorrow morning. I found this old book, it taught me a spell... One that slashes open my enemies, and believe me, Boot is my enemy. As I am walking to the great hall I see Ember just a ways up the corridor from me, she is alone. I take my chance and sprint towards her, grabbing her by her waist I shove my wand in her neck and begin to whisper in her ear. "Listen here, You are going to do everything I tell you so you wont get hurt. Got it?" she shakes her head to indicate "Yes" instead of speaking to me. I drag her into the great hall and can hardly contain my smile when Boot and his lot stand up, and draw their wands.  

"Coote, Let her go." Cassius says stepping towards me slowly, earning a low growl from Damon. "Cas'. Don't." Damon says lowly pulling on Cassius shoulder. "Damon, Piss off." Cassius says before beginning to take more steps towards me. I push my wand into Embers neck harder and tell him to back up. Cassius stops in his tracks... but not at my warning, he stops only when Ember says "Cas... I'm fine, back up and do what he says.", As Cassius is backing away, Kory is beginning to come towards me and his beloved Ember. *Good, Now we can kill him* one of the many voices in my head say to me. "Coote, I'm warning you, if you hurt a hair in her head... I wont hesitate to put you in the hospital wing." Boot says with a sneer. I can't contain my smirk any longer and say to him, "I plan on putting you worse places..." I see a hint of fear flash behind his eyes and begin to grin wider as I push Ember towards Cassius and turn my wand on Kory who has now let his guard down.... It only takes me a moment for me to yell "SECTUMSEMPRA!' and then watch the long, and deep gashes appear all across his body... I don't realize I've actually done it until Ember screams out for him.... What have I done?

Kory POV:

As soon as I am hit by the spell I feel nothing but pain... I can see the blood pouring from my chest as I fall to the floor. I hear Ember scream out for me, I try to do something to let her know I'm going to be okay... but I wont be. The room begins to spin and I grow colder. I slowly shut my eyes as memories begin to flash through my head. Memories of my little sister taking her first steps, memories of meeting Damon when he moved across the street from me when we were six, memories of my first Hogwarts letter, memories of the time when I first met Cassius and Paxton on the train, memories of being sorted into the house of the brave, memories from every last one of Damon's transformations, memories of my first quidditch match, memories of my mates and I pranking first years, and lastly memories of Ember Weasley begin flowing through my mind.

I can't help but to think of what could have been... All of my dreams have been broken, shattered into a million pieces. I'll never be a professional quidditch player, I'll never get to grow up, I'll never get to attend my mates weddings, Hell... Ill never attend my own wedding. I'll never have children, but I'll also never get the chance to tell Ember Weasley that all of my dreams involved her. I was once a boy who took everything for granted, a boy who played with girls emotions, a boy who never really realized what a great life he had... Now I'm a boy who is laying on a cold stone floor, bleeding out, not able to speak... but I am also a boy who realizes what a great family he had, and who realizes what his mates went through for him... He also realizes that the walls of this castle, the ones that are currently stained with his blood splatter, will define him forever. 

I keep getting colder, and sleepier. Ember is now at my side telling me not to go to sleep, because she needs me, and my brothers need me... I try my hardest to keep my eyes open, but I blink and when I open my eyes again I am greeted by a woman with red hair and three men, one with raven black hair who looks like James Potter from my house, one who has the familiar scratch marks going across his face, and one who looks at me and says "Dying is as quick and easy as falling asleep... Just close your eyes, and all of the pain will go away." as much as I want to fight to stay awake, I listen to the strange man and close my eyes... When I wake up, I look down and see Ember sobbing over my body. I turn to the four strangers and ask them who they are, the woman is the first to speak. "I'm Lily Potter and theses three are James Potter (the first), Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black. Love, I'm afraid that you wont be able to go back to them..." she says looking down at Ember with sympathy in her eyes. The man named Sirius speaks to me next "But you can watch over them." It hasn't fully hit me that I'm dead until I see my body being bagged... and I break down sobbing into the arms of the woman... mourning the loss of my brothers, and the loss of Ember... Nothing will ever be the same for any of them...

(Tell me what you think, Please... I need feedback.)

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