"Again? Really Fred?"

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Hermione POV:

It's been around three months now that Fred has been back and I know for a fact that I am pregnant again. I am making Ginny and Pansy go with me to the hospital today to see Blaise so I can get a sonogram and see how the baby is. "Hurry up! We don't have all day." Ginny yells at a pregnant Pansy "You try carrying bloody Blaise Zabini's kids then tell me to hurry. They are moving around a lot." Pansy snaps back at Ginny, "We are here." I say and rush into the hospital and over to the desk. "I have an appointment with Dr. Zabini for ten o'clock." I say to the lady at the desk who looks me over before telling me that it might be a few minuets because he was with his wife, "What do you mean 'with his wife', I'm his wife." says Pansy shooting the lady a glare, "I'm sorry Mrs. Zabini, I'll fetch Dr. Zabini now!" the woman says running off in a hurry. "If he is cheating on me I will kill him." Pansy states before sitting down in a chair. 

"Hermione! Good to see you and Weasley are back at it, Come on back." he says laughing at me. "Oh, Mrs. Brown! Please do apologize to my wife and her friends." He says again before rushing me off into a room. "Spell or Muggle thing?" he asks "Both. Spell first then the muggle way because I wan pictures." "Okay." He points his wand at me and mutters a spell before bursting out laughing... "What?" I ask him, "It looks like Weasley can't help but make sets of two..." he says still laughing "What do you mean?" "I mean, Congrats on another set of Weasley twins.", It takes a moment to sink in but when it does I scream "TWINS? I'LL KILL HIM!" he begins laughing again before saying "Well, I wish him luck... He is going to need it if he wants to keep his family jewels." I glare at him before telling him to get started with the muggle sonogram thing so I can go home and kill Fred. 

"So?" asks Ginny once I get back out to her and Pansy, "Twins." Is all I say before Ginny yells out "YES! MORE NIECES!" "Or Nephews." Pansy reminds her, I see horror flash in Ginny's eyes "What if we get another set of Weasley brothers... Oh, I don't even want to think about it." Ginny says before shouting "THE BURROW WE GO!" and dragging me and Pansy into the floo. We stumble into the Burrow and are greeted by Molly Weasley and Percy Weasley drinking tea on the sofa in front of the fireplace having a talk on who would win the bet. "Molly, We have some interesting news." I say looking at Ginny who is smiling like a crazy woman and Pansy who just looks ready to sit down. "Let me call everyone inside." says Molly standing up and walking to the back door. "Did I win?" asks Percy who had bet on one baby "Not telling yet." I say as everyone runs inside, Fred and George being the last two in.

"Well, Tell us!" exclaims Theo wanting to know how many god children he would be getting. "I guess its a Fred thing... because the Weasley family will be getting another set of twins in about seven months." I say waiting on everyone's reactions, "Again? Really Fred?" asks Harry looking at Fred who looks ready to pass out, "It must be a Fred thing, I don't have any twins." says George looking at his brother who has still not said any thing. "Fred?" says Molly looking at her son "I'M THE MAN!" he finally yells jumping up looking excited, "All you lot pay up!" says Bill from the corner, Bill was the only person to bet on twins. "How did you know?" Percy asks Bill rather sourly as he hands him his two galleons "Easy, It's Fred... I would have been more surprised if it had been one, and Hermione has always been an over achiever." 

After Bill had collected his nearly seventy galleons from his siblings and parents, Theo suggests another bet on what the genders of the next set of Weasley/Granger twins will be... Apparently no one had learned from the bet they just lost because everyone jumps at the chance to place bets again....

The Bets are as follows 

Bill: Twin Girls - One Hundred Galleons

Charlie: Twin Boys - Thirty Galleons 

Percy: Twin Boys - Fifty Galleons

George: Twin Boys - One Hundred Fifty Galleons

Fred: One of each - Eighty Galleons 

 Ginny: Twin Girls - Ninety Galleons 

Harry: Twin Boys - Twenty Galleons 

Molly: Twin Boys - Five Galleons 

Arthur: One of each - Five Galleons

Theo: Twin Girls - One Hundred Galleons 

Pansy: Twin Girls - Thirty Galleons 

*End Of Bets*

"I don't know why you lot bother betting." I say with a smirk, "Why is that, Granger?" Theo questions. "Because Bill is usually right... No changing bets either." I say giving Bill, Ginny, Theo, and Pansy high fives while looking at the others. "Damn!" exclaims George realizing that Bill was usually right and he just bet one hundred fifty galleons against him. "You never know, Love. Bill was the one who thought that Pansy and Blaise were having twin girls." says Fred smirking because he knew that Pansy and Balise were expecting twin boys. "Shut up, Git." Bill says to a smug Fred. 

"Well, We find out what they are in two months." I say to all of them, "I NEED TO WRITE FREDDY AND GEORGIA SO THEY CAN GET IN ON THE BET!" exclaims my lovely boyfriend and his even lovelier twin brother (Note the sarcasm) "Fredrick! George! My eldest children will not be gambling at age eleven!" I almost yell and begin smacking Fred with a dish rag Molly had been holding. "We will just see about that, Love." Fred says with a wink before taking off running in the opposite direction. 

(Please put in the comments what you want the twins to be... and Name suggestions for the Gender/Genders you think they should be...) 

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