"I've got a surprise or three..."

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Hermione POV: (two months later) 

"Well?" I say looking expectantly at Blaise who is currently performing my sonogram to tell me what gender the twins are. "Well... It looks like baby A is a boy, and baby B is a boy..... And it also looks like we have a baby C...." "BABY C?" "Yes, as in a third baby." "What?" " Well, You've got three babies... Triplets... the spell missed one, Magic isn't always one hundred percent." I glare at him "Yes it is." "Oh, really? Then how did Harry Potter live... twice?" "Good point, What is it?" "Well, I cant really tell...WAIT! It looks like it's another boy..." "Well, I'm going to go to the burrow and tell Bill he owes Charley all the money he won from the bet and then tell them that no one gets any money from the gender bet... Then I'm going to kill Fred." I say shooting a look at Blaise before getting up and going into the lobby of the hospital to meet up with Ginny and Pansy.

"Well? Do I get my Nieces?" Ginny practically yells at me, earning us some weird looks. "I've got a surprise... or three, You will find out at the burrow just like everyone else." I say smacking her on the arm before Pansy who is now looking as if she would pop at any moment drags us to the floo. As soon as we step into the burrow we are surrounded by the Weasley /Potter /Nott /Lovegood /Jordan  clan and I have questions being yelled at me. "SHUT UP!" Ginny screams and then sits down. "Everyone, Sit down and I will tell you." I say looking at everyone. When Fred is seated he immediately asks "So? What did I make?"  "Me blind." Lee says as I shoot him a shut up look. "Well... Blaise made a small mistake...  It's not twins... Bill, you owe Charley all your money from the first bet because he was right... Triplets." as soon as the word triplets, Molly and Fred faint while everyone else is laughing at Fred. "So I get three nieces?" Ginny asks hopefully at the same time Fred and Molly get up and find their seats again. "Not at all, Ginny... You get three Nephews." I say causing Molly and Ginny to faint and Fred to say "Well... At lest it isn't more girls."  

George looks at Fred with a mock horrified expression and says "Hogwarts hardly survived us... How the hell is it going to survive three of us?" Harry speaks "It wont... Neither will Miones sanity..." and shoots me a wink. "Well, I just thought of something... What if they act like me?" I ask the twins and watch their amused expressions immediately turn to horrified ones. "That would be a nightmare... Who would continue on our legacy?" says George "I'm not worried about that... I'm worried about my house the winter break after their first time at Hogwarts... The books, the madness!"  says Fred looking terrified. Molly shoots her twin sons a glare and turns to me "For your sake, I hope they are like you. You would not survive if they acted like their father and uncle George." 

Ginny looks up still smirking "You have to name them after Zabini... You lost that bet a while back." Fred and I pale at this and Fred starts using some very foul language, earning him a slap from his mother. "We can talk names later. I need to ask Mia something." Fred says spinning me to face him. "Well, Mia... I don't know how to even start this, I have been in love with you since my fifth year when you punched Malfoy in the face... I knew you were the one because I looked at you and could no longer see you as my little brothers friend, I saw you as an incredibly smart, beautiful, and strong young lady who wasn't afraid of anything. I didn't tell anyone about my feelings for you until midnight at the yule ball when I saw you crying on the stairs and realized that not telling you was the stupidest thing I had ever done, keep in mind that George and I did some pretty petty and stupid shit as kids, When I kissed you that night on the stairs I was scared as hell that you would reject me... but you didn't. As the years went by I fell deeper and deeper in love with you. When I was taken from the battle, I gave up hope of ever seeing you again. You never left my mind though, Not once did I ever consider you as anything but the love of my life... What I'm getting at is, " he pauses and drops onto one knee pulling a ring out of his pocket ", Will you, Hermione Jean Granger, marry me?" 

"YES!" I exclaim and hold out my hand for him to put the ring on me. "Fred, It that Mum's grand mums wedding ring?" George asks "Yeah, You know how mum sat all of us down when we came of age and told us to pick from one of three family things to keep... Well, I was offered the choice of this ring, dad's family's amulet, and mums family's old enchanted goblet. At the time, I was seventeen and already head over heels for Mia, so I picked the ring with every intention of giving it to her." Ginny then glares at him "So you are the reason I got stuck with an enchanted goblet." "Yes I am little sister." I look at Fred and ask "So, You have had this planned for nearly fifteen years?" He blushes and says "Yeah... I was going to do it your twentieth birthday..." I cut him off "Well, We are going to be headed on home, Lee, stay away from the house for the next seventy two hours and Ginny you are in charge of Ember." before grabbing him and running into the floo to head home, with no intention of leaving my house for the next three days.

(Picture Of Ring Below)

(Picture Of Ring Below)

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