"Well, If it isn't my lovely baby daddy."

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Draco Malfoy POV: 

I silently crept out of Astoria and I's bedroom and into the hall of Malfoy manor, I make my way into our living room, write her a note telling her I was going to visit my mother, and jump into the floo.... Instead of flooing to see my mother, I floo over to to the home of Flora Carrow. Flora was in my house at Hogwarts, along with her twin sister Hestia. As soon as I arrive at her home I am greeted by the familiar sight of a mixed boy sitting at a table with Flora struggling to get him to eat. "DAD!" the boy says jumping up and running over to me, "Hi, Reg." I say to my son. I know what most people would be thinking right about now, doesn't he only have one kid and another on the way? Well... No. I cheated on Hermione when Ember was three, and as a result of that Regulus Phineas Malfoy/Carrow was born. Nobody knows he exists. Not Hermione, Not my Mother, Not Astoria, Not even Hestia. 

"Well, If it isn't my lovely baby daddy..." Flora says with a sneer "..., How's the latest wife? Have you cheated on her yet?" she finishes with malice in her voice. "As a matter of fact I have not... I want my Ex Wife back but she already remarried." I say solemnly, "She married that Fred Weasley didn't she? He was in my year... Quite charming actually, I see why she married him." I open my mouth to say something rude when all of a sudden Regulus is talking to me, "Dad, Am I going to get to ever meet my older sister?"  My face looses all color when he asks me this and I respond "Maybe when you go to Hogwarts next year..." "Okay." Regulus then runs off to his room and Flora and I are once again left alone. "I'm taking him to meet your mother, Hermione, and Ember. I may not like the Mudblood or her halfblood spawn but he has a right to know his sister and grandmother." Flora casually says picking up her tea to take a sip. "No. He will not be meeting my mother, or Ember. If mother finds out about him then she will tell Astoria and then she will refuse me my inheritance, and insist I give the second biggest part to Regulus. The largest part is going to Ember already... I can't leave Scorpious with less that 20% of what Ember gets." 

Flora's face instantly goes from calm to angry as she begins to yell at me "THAT BITCHES SON SHOULDN'T EVEN GET 20%! IT SHOULD BE THAT EMBER GETS 50%, REGULUS GETS 35%, AND THE SLAGS SON GETS 15%! " I know she's right... but I can't tell her that. "I don't care how it should be. I have it set up so that Ember gets 80% and Scorp gets 20%. Ember is going to need all the help she can get in life." I say knowing how poor the Weasley family is. "Really? Last I heard Fred and George Weasley were almost as rich as you... Or did you forget that they actually made something of themselves?" she spats at me before harshly pushing me backwards. "Listen here, It's not my fault that bastard of a child exists. I told you to terminate him as soon as I found out." I whisper to her rudely before tossing a bag of money at her feet, "As lovely as it has been to see you again, I must be going. Astoria looks ready to pop." I say swiftly before turning on my heels and disappearing into the floo. 

As soon as I step into the manor I am greeted by the sight of Astoria and my Mother sitting on the couch talking.... I am fucked. "Hello, Love. Mother, I was just looking for you." my mother sends me a glare and says "I have been here for around three hours waiting on you." I open my mouth to defend myself but stop when I notice the silent tears rolling down Astoria's cheeks. "Draco... Who is she? and don't lie... I was the other woman for three years, I know all your lies." I open my mouth to respond when all of a sudden a weight is crashing down onto my back and I hear one voice say "Sorry." and another voice say "I'm not." I grow pale when I recognize the voices of  Regulus and Flora. My mother takes in the appearance of Flora then turns to Regulus, she freezes when she sees his gray eyes... "Draco... Who are these people?" Astoria says, clearly not looking Regulus in the eyes. "Umm... Meet Flora Carrow and our son Regulus Malfoy/Carrow...." I say slowly watching the look on my Mothers face change from angry to excitement and the look on Astoria's change from hope to rage... 

"Hello, Love... How old are you?" my mother asks Regulus slowly, as if he would turn and run if she spoke any faster. "I'm 10." he says quickly as he hides behind Flora who is looking rather pleased with herself. "If you will excuse us. I'm taking him over to meet Hermione Weasley and her husband." Flora says smirking before pulling Reg into the floo and giving me a 'Up Yours' hand gesture. I begin to explain myself but before I can get two minuets into the story a very red faced Fred Weasley is coming through my floo, being followed by Ginny Potter, George Weasley, and Grang- Weasley. "How dare you cheat on her, not once but twice?" Fred growls at pointing his wand at my head. "I-i-i-i-i-iii I don't know." I stutter. "Well after I'm done with you, you bloody well will know." Fred says again while beginning to try and think of hexes. Just before he can do anything to me Hermione puts her hand on his back and I notice him relax at her touch. "He isn't worth it, Love." she whispers slowly guiding Fred back into the floo and leaving for their flat. I look at Potter and George waiting on them to leave, they slowly head for the floo but before they leave Ginny Potter turns around and bat bogey hexes me.... I fucked up.... again... 

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