"Love, Someone left a baby on the steps."

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Fred POV:

The triplets are nearing nine months now and that means the girls will be coming home for summer break soon. Hermione and I have been lucky to get any sleep the past nine months, The triplets like to wait until we just get to sleep before they start screaming. I am just getting up to go down to the shop to open for the day when I hear Mione let out a shriek from down in the shop. I grab my wand and run down stairs ready to see death eaters, but instead am greeted by the sight of Hermione holding a basket. "Mia?"  I question, "Love, Someone left a baby on the steps." she says lowering the basket until I can see a tan baby sleeping soundly. My eyes widen, "Did they leave a note?" I ask her frantically, "Yes, Should we read it?" "YES!" I all but yell at my wife as she passes me the basket, opens the letter, and begins to read aloud. 

*The Letter*

Dear, Hermione and Fred Weasley, 

You may not remember me, but my name is Lisa Turpin. I was in Hermione's year at Hogwarts, we had Ancient Ruins together. I bet you are wondering why I left a baby on your steps without even staying to see if you collected her, well the response to that question is... I am being chased by death eaters. My father was a death eater turned spy for the order, and because of his actions I am being punished. He was killed during the war and never repaid his debt to a few of the death eaters in the inner circle... So they expect my to pay for his debt with my life. The baby's name is Octavia Stella Turpin, but I would prefer if you changed her last name to Weasley. I have used obliviate on her older brother and sister (Twins) and left them with Luna and Daphne Lovegood, and her other older brother was also left in the care of Theodore Nott.  I am leaving Octavia with the two of you because I know you have triplets about two months older than her and I trust her with Hermione. Don't come looking for me, by the time you find me I will already be dead. Take care of my baby.

- Lisa Turpin the Ravenclaw know it all. 

*End of letter*

To say I am shocked would be a understatement, "Lisa? She was in my study group at school." Hermione says looking at the letter again then over to the baby sleeping in the basket. "Well, We can't just turn away a seven month old baby." I say looking down at the little girl. "Should we go see Luna and Daph-" before she can finish her sentence a very confused Theo Nott comes through the floo holding a boy who looks to be about three. "Oh, I thought I would find you two here." He says sitting the boy down and turning to us, he opens his mouth to speak when Luna and Daphne come through the doors to the shop each with a child of about six on their hip. "This was a hell of a way to start the day." Luna says putting the little boy down and telling him to go look around. "We woke up to find them standing in our kitchen!" Daphne says putting down the little girl and pushing her off in the direction of her brother. 

Theo looks at them and says "At least you didn't wake up to a baby in your bed!", all three turn to Mione and I before asking us questions, "Well, What about you two?" Luna is the first to ask. "We found her in a basket on the front steps." Hermione says picking up the now awake baby and playing with her. "Well, What are we going to do?" Theo asks looking at me "Just because I'm the oldest bloke here doesn't mean to look at me!" I say to him then turn to Hermione. "Well, I think we should just keep the kids... Their mother is being hunted by death eaters and entrusted us with her kids, I know Fred and I will be keeping the baby girl." She says handing me the baby. "Daph and I already agreed on keeping, Logan and Avery. Lisa was a friend of mine and I owe her the piece of mind that her kids are being kept safe... and now Lorcan and Lysander will leave us alone about wanting more siblings." Luna says. That leaves us all looking at Theo to see if he is going to keep the other little boy, Theo looks at all of us, sighs, then says. "I guess I'll be keeping, Kendall then." 

"Okay, So we are all keeping Lisa's kids." Luna says before calling Logan and Avery over to her and Daphne, telling us goodbye, and walking out of the shop without another word. Theo looks like he is about to pass out, "Mate, Are you okay?" I ask him, he looks up at me with watery eyes and tells me, "Astoria just announced to the wizarding community that she is going to be marrying Malfoy, and that she is having his son come December... I was praying for a distraction from all of it and then all of a sudden Kendall just shows up out of nowhere... I just don't know mate." He says picking up the little boy and kissing Mione on the cheek before using the floo to go home. I look down at the little girl in my arms and can't help but smile. "Fred, Lisa wanted us to change her last name... She left her birth certificate, it's blank ... All we have to do is write the information and the Wizengamot will recognize her as ours." Hermione says to me looking at Octavia. "Then lets fill it out, and then take Octavia and the triplets to see mum." I say to her and watch her begin to fill out the papers on the baby.... Well, that brings Mia and I to a total of seven kids so far... any more and we will have more kids than my parents. For the sake of my family jewels I hope we don't have anymore...


Logan and Avery

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Logan and Avery

Logan and Avery

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