Last Day of School/You've gotta be kidding me!

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Flicker POV:

Its the last day of school before spring break, thank Merlin for that. I am supposed to be meeting my sisters after class so we can go home. "May I go to the loo?" I raise my hand and ask Professor Binns. "Yes, Miss. Zabini, but hurry." he tells me with a sigh. I walk out of the classroom and across the courtyard so I can get to the loo when all of a sudden I hear an alarm go off all around the school and the sound of all the classroom doors locking. What's going on? I go to walk down a hall but see three men clad in black robes standing in the hall talking about "Kill any of the war heroes children you can get your hands on." I open my mouth to scream when I realize that death eaters were on school grounds, but before I can get a noise to come out of my mouth I feel a hand being placed over my mouth and a arm pull me behind a column and into a hidden broom cupboard. 

"Flicker. Don't scream." I hear the voice of my older brother whisper in my ear. "Zeke? What's going on?" "I don't know. I know they will be after the kids of the war heroes... Like the Potters, Weasleys, Granger, Longbottom, Lovegood, ect..." "We need to get somewhere safe. Why don't we just try and walk past them? Wasn't dad a death eater back in the day? If we tell them we are Zabinis we should be able to get out." "Flicker... Thats risky... But it's a risk we will have to take. Come on." Zeke grabs my hand and pulls me out of the broom closet. As soon as the death eaters see us they  point their wands at us. "What do we have here? Two little Hufflepuffs? Who are you two?" one of them snarls at us. I open my mouth to speak but Zeke beats me to it."I'm Zeke Zabini/Parkinson and this is my younger sister Flicker Zabini/Parkinson." the men must recognize the two last names my brother just dropped because the largest of the three men tells the others to take us to the headmasters office.    

Zeke grabs my hand and carefully leads me to the Headmasters office... When we get there we see Freddy, Georgia, Ember, James, Albus, Rose, Lorcan and Lysander, and Fred the 2nd sitting in a circle tied up... I look around to make sure that they were the only kids here but my heart stops when I see they have Damon in a cage made of silver... I guess he put up one hell of a fight when they got at Ember. "Zabini! Watch these ten while we go find the rest of the war heroes children... Then we will have some fun messing with their parents." One of the men shout at my brother who responds with a "Yes, Sir." as soon as the three men leave my brother and I share a look before he runs over to untie our friends and family, and I run over to get Damon out of that damn cage. I can't find a key... so I grab a random wand off of the floor and blow the door off of the cage.

Damon immediately pushes me out of the way and runs to Embers side muttering something about how Kory himself would come back from the dead to slap him if Ember so much as broke a nail. Once everyone is untied we begin to look for an escape route.... "What about the floo?" I ask loudly, making everyone in the room turn to me with dumbfounded looks on their faces. "Why didn't we think of that?" Damon says picking Ember up and running into the floo yelling for "The Burrow", everyone follows him through the floo until it's only Zeke and I left. "Ladies first." he says roughly shoving me towards the floo. "Whatever." I say before I floo over to the burrow. Three minuets later a panicked Zeke floos into the burrow holding a bloody girl in his arms. "ALEX!" Ember yells trying to pull herself out of Damons arms, causing him to growl at her to stop moving. "You are going to rip those God-damned stitches open again. Stop moving and sit the hell down." Damon growls at my sister who Immediately stops moving. I only hope whoever is left at Hogwarts is going to make it out okay... The wizarding world can't handle another massacre at Hogwarts...  

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