The Prophesy

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Ember POV: 

"Where is Cedric?" I ask Flicker quickly when I notice that his sister is in here but he is not. "He's one of them... He joined them after you died because they promised him he would get his go to Taylor Coote..."  My heart stops and I feel myself falling backwards. "Ember!" Kory yells as he catches me. "I'm fine. We need to go find out what's going on... Kory, Paxton you two are with me. Freddy, Georgia you two get everyone out of here then meet us at the doors to the great hall. Damon, Zeke, and Jacob... you three need to round up anyone you can find hiding throughout the school and get them out. If anyone tries to stop you, use your wands." I start barking orders at everyone quickly and soon find myself, Kory, and Paxton rushing about the halls towards Headmaster Longbottoms office. "Be as silent as you can be. We need to get in his office to access the place that the late Headmaster Dumbledore hid what I'm sure will tell us what the bloody hell is going on." I tell them as I look at the only thing that separates us from the office... a massive open corridor that is filled with people cloaked in black robes.

I can't help but gasp when I make-out Cedric holding a third year by his shoulders, with his wand at his neck. "We have no choice but to go straight across... Fire as many stunning spells as you can. I love you." I tell them both, directing the last comment at Kory. "I love you too, Em." Kory says as he snogs me and waits on my signal for the three of us to make our move.  Without a second thought I shoot a stunning spell at the nearest man and run out into the middle of the corridor, Kory and Paxton at my sides. Spells are flying and soon enough Kory and I are standing back to back while Paxton makes a run for the office doors. "Whats going on here?" Cedrics voice booms as he finally takes notice to the battle behind him. He looks to the center and meets my eyes, and his widen to the size of cunts. Once he finally faces me, I notice the boy he has been holding onto was my little brother Regulus. 

"Give him here, Cedric." I demand as I take a threatening step towards him. "You're dead. I watched you die, I held your bloody body." Cedric says as he tightens his grip on my brother. "Mate, I don't want to have to hurt you, Give us the boy and you will be fine." Kory says as he steps to my side causing Cedrics eyes to grow wider, if even possible. "You're Kory Boot... The boy who was murdered in this very castle almost four years ago..." While Cedric is trying to workout what is going on in his head, Paxton sneaks up behind him and shoots a body binding curse at him. Cedric falls to the ground and I grab my younger brother into a hug while he sobs into my dress and somehow manages to choke out the words "Ravenclaw Tower... Invaded... Dixon Thakur... Murdered... Saved all the first and second years first though..."  

Dixon Thakur was murdered for trying to save younger students? Thats something I thought I would never hear. "Paxton, Take him to Freddy and Georgia! Now." I bark at Paxton who immediately grabs Regulus and takes off running down the hall, Regulus's Ravenclaw scarf flowing behind him. "Lets do this." I say to Kory and pull him over to the entrance to the Headmasters Office. The statue opens without even needing a password from the two of us. We take off running towards the top of the stairs, and finally stop when we reach the top and find the office abandoned... "It's behind this bookshelf." I say as I run across the room to a large bookshelf that I know contains a hidden room... thank Merlin for books. "How do we get in?" Kory asks as he takes in the massive bookshelf. "Like this. BOMBARDA!" I yell and watch the bookshelf be blasted out of existence. "BLOODY HELL, EMBER! A WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE!" Kory yells at me as he jumps over the rubble into the massive room that only contains a large glass case with a medium sized blue orb sitting on a pedestal. 

I step towards the glass case and jump back in shock when it opens for me. "I've got it." I say as I shove the Orb into one of Kory's robe pockets. "Let's get to the great hall so we can regroup and watch this." Kory says as he takes my hand and pulls me out of the office and into the corridor. The death eaters are just now starting to be able to blink again, the only one on their feet is Cedric. "Ember, Let me explain." Cedric starts towards me but stops when Kory pulls me behind him. "Ember... I only joined to avenge you." Cedric says as he steps towards me. "You're a liar. But, Please tell me if you enjoyed watching Dixon Thakur taking his last breath?" I don't know if it was Cedric who killed Dixon or not, but judging by the look on his face after I said that... He killed him. "I was just following orders, Em." Cedric says as he looks at his feet. "What were you going to do to my brother?" I question lowly. "Brand him..." Cedric says as he pulls on his sleeve. 

All I can see is red. "You were going to brand my little brother with the motherfucking dark mark? That's it. I've had enough of this shit. CRUCIO!" I scream as I point my wand at Cedric. All at once the curse hits him and he screams out in pain. "Ember. He's not worth it, Lets go." Kory says as he lowers my arm and pulls me off in the direction of the great hall. "Paxton!" I yell as I see him and a girl... Holy fuck that's Abby McLaggan.... Dueling at the doors of the great hall. "STUPEFY!" I scream and watch Abby fly back into the wall behind her, hard might I add. "Where is everyone else?" I ask Paxton in a panic when I don't see any of my siblings. "Inside the Great hall, I was guarding the doors." Paxton breathes out as he pushes open the doors to the hall so he, Kory, and I could safely get inside. As soon as we are in I hear the doors slam shut behind us. 

"Did you get it?" Zeke Zabini asks as he stands up from his seat at what would be Hufflepuff table. "Yeah, We got it." I tell them while reaching into Korys pocket and pulling out the blue orb, sitting it on the table, and lightly tapping it. Once I tap it, a projection is shined onto the wall behind the Slytherin table. All of us find our eyes glued to the projection as a voice explains how the third wizarding was is quickly approaching and how the future relies on three people. One a short blonde headed Gryffindor girl, one a boy risen from the dead, and finally a boy named for the dead with the mind that will rival even Hermione Grangers. When the projection ends, I turn to everyone and say "No. Regulus will not be put into danger. The world will go to hell before I allow Regulus to be put into this bloody war." I hear several murmurs of agreement but Regulus stands up and says "I don't give a damn what you want. I watched on of my best friends be murdered by your little ex boyfriend. I will be fighting in the bloody war, because it's what Dixon would have wanted." 

I guess my little brother isn't so little anymore. "If that's what you want." I say calmly as I take Korys hand. "Ember, I don't want you fighting." Kory whispers into my ear. "Kory, I'm not the person I used to be. I will fight in this war. I was the first to be affected by it and I will be the one to finish it." I tell him sharply before pulling him in for a snog. "Oi! It's not the time for that!" Flicker yells as she shoots a lip locker jinx at us and successfully glues our lips together. "Flicker!" Freddy shrieks as she undoes the jinx and checks to make sure I'm okay before Georgia and Her begin laughing. "Flicker is right. Our only priority right now is to survive the night so we can get out of here in the morning." I say as I begin to help Paxton barricade the doors. Soon enough we have every entrance into the great hall barricaded and are working on finding food. "How long has it been since you ate?" I question Regulus who is looking a little on the sickly thin side. "Six days. We haven't had food since Ravenclaw tower decided to fight back." 

"What do you mean 'Ravenclaw tower decided to fight back?" I ask him waiting for his response. "What he means is that they have had control over the school for about two weeks and the other three houses are barricaded in their common rooms... Ravenclaw tower decided that they would not wait to die so they began smuggling the younger years out and then finally they fought back. Dixon Thakur not only got all the first and second years out... He also killed all eight death eaters who were assigned to watch our tower... Dixon was killed about an hour before you came back. Thats when they caught me too, I was about to attack Cedric from behind when Blackwood got me and had me put with the others." Jacob Nott says as he sits next to Regulus and offers him a pack of muggle crackers he had found at the professors table. 

All of a sudden we all hear a loud *BOOM* come from right outside the door along with loud chants of "TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" being shouted by a massive number of voices. "Well, It looks like Gryffindor has finally had enough." Kory says as he sits next to me and allows me to lean on his shoulder. I slowly fall asleep to the sounds of explosions and screams of pain while thinking about how we are going to take back Hogwarts... This might be harder than we think it will be, and I hope we are ready for it.      

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