You can't just kill your brother!

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Hermione POV: 

"It's really you..." I say looking into Freds eyes "Yeah, It is." he says putting me down. As soon as my feet touch the ground I launch myself at him and attach my lips to his... He responds almost instantly. We continue to kiss until someone clears their throat behind us, I pull away with a tinge of a blush on my face and see George Weasley looking at Fred with tears in his eyes. "Freddy?" Fred smiles at him with teary eyes "Yes, Georgie. It's me." the next thing any of us know George is lunging at Fred and pulling him into a bone crushing hug and mutters "If you scare me like that again I will bloody kill you." Fred smiles and says "But, I just got back Georgie." While everyone is laughing and celebrating Fred being alive Hermione is thinking and asks something that no one else appears to be able to ask, "Fred?" "Yes, Love?" "Who exactly brought you here?" as soon as I say that is eyes darken and he turns to Percy and Ron before pulling me behind him "Those bloody death eaters." Fred says looking right at his older and younger brothers. George, Ginny, and I draw our wands while Percy says "Let me explain." 

Percy POV:

"Let me explain." is all I can think to say. Hermione looks ready to avada Ron and I while Ginny and George are ready to assist her in anything she plans on doing. "No wa-" Hermione starts but is cut off by Fred "Mia, Let Percy explain. Keep your wands on Ron though." she looks at him like he has lost his mind but then looks at me and nods her head pointing her wand at Ron. "Okay, So let me start with saying I was a spy for the Order. My job was to get deep within his ranks and then to report whatever I heard back to Kingsley, but I got in too far deep and found out Ron was a death eater, a loyal one at that. Ron told them I was a spy and they gave me and Ron each a task to prove our loyalty to him. Ron's was to kill Mione, Which he would have done had Malfoy stepped in and used an  Imperio on her and tricked her into leaving with him. My task, was to kill either Fred or George. I knew I couldn't kill my brother so I held Colin Creevey at wand point and forced him to drink polyjuice then killed him. I am deeply ashamed of my actions." As soon as I have finished speaking Harry points his wand at me and begins yelling "YOU KILLED A CHILD AND KIDNAPPED YOUR BLOODY BROTHER, AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 'I AM DEEPLY ASHAMED OF MY ACTIONS', REALLY? BLOODY REALLY?" I look down not wanting to make eye contact with any of them when I hear Ron say "I was going to kill Hermione, but Malfoy used an Imperio on her, and kept it on her. He had plans to kill her himself but couldn't bring himself to do so when she found out the news. He has had her under a spell for eleven years. As soon as he takes it off all of the hate she feels towards him will come rushing back." Hermione looks angry as does Fred. 

"Ron, you are so lucky I don't have my wand." says Fred through gritted teeth, Hermione looks at me and says "You said sorry to me earlier, was it because of Fred." "Yes." we are so busy talking to each other that I don't notice when Ron points his wand at me, but what I do notice is him yell the killing curse. I close my eyes and wait for it but it never hits me instead Hermione yells "Protego!" and a shield is now surrounding me. George speaks for the first time and its not good. "Ronald, I need you to pay very close attention to everything I say. You are the reason that Hermione went away, you are the reason Percy had to kidnap my twin brother, you are the reason Fred didn't get to see his kids grow up, you are a bloody traitor, and you just tried to kill my brother. I am going to do something I know I will not regret because, Although I could never kill my brother, I certainly can kill a bloody death eater. AVADA KEDAVRA!" the spell hits Ron in the chest before anyone has the chance to block it.

"GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY! YOU CAN'T JUST KILL YOUR BLOODY BROTHER!" yells Mum while looking at George "Well, Mum, let's face the facts. If I hadn't Mione would have." George says pointing to a seething Hermione that Fred was trying and failing to calm down. I walk over to Hermione and say "Thank you." and she looks me in the eyes and says "A life for a life." I know this has a double meaning to it, she was repaying me for saving her from Grayback and for keeping Fred alive for all these years. 

Fred POV: 

It takes me a moment to realize that George said 'Fred didn't get to see his kids grow up' and when I finally process what he said I look at Mia and ask "Kids?" she looks at me and blushes before saying "Well, Love. You remember the hour before the battle?" I smile thinking about it and say "How could I forget?" she laughs and says "Well, I kinda got pregnant in that hour... With twins..." as soon as she says this I nearly faint but then George says "Yep, Twin girls. She named them after us. Freddy and Georgia Weasley/Granger." I then look back at her and say "Wait, They are at Hogwarts this year aren't they?" "Yes, Love." then I remember the bit about Malfoy having her under a spell so I ask her "Malfoy?" she looks down ashamed and says "I left the battle with him. As Ron and Percy have both said I was under the influence of a curse and was kept under it for around eleven years. Malfoy and I got drunk off fire whiskey one night and nine months later Ember Malfoy was born. We got married when Ember turned nine and the twins turned ten. I caught him cheating and left him stating that "Bloody Weasley was the only person I will every really love." we just got a divorce. Fred, I still love you. I always have, but I understand completely if you don't want anything to do with me or the kids." 

"Mia, I am in love with you. I wont ever leave you again. Please don't think I don't want you or any of your kids. I will bloody adopt Ember and we can change her name to Ember Weasley if she wants to. Just like how I plan to change your name to Hermione Weasley." she grins ear to ear and leans in for a kiss but just before our lips touch my dearest brother George has a ruin the moment by stating the simple fact that we should probably not be having a snogging session in the middle of Lestrange manor. I let out a noise in protest when my dear Mia agrees with him and pull her in for a hug, not yet willing to let her go. 

"Okay, George. I am going to need my flat back." I say with a smirk to my twin "Well, you will have to fight Mione for that place. I gave it to her." I grin and say "So, I already have it back!" Mia then smacks me across the back of the head and says "I fell in love with a bloody idiot." "You know you love me." I say back to her "That is up for debate at times." she says with a smirk "Whatever, Mione." she shoots me a glare "It's Mia, Love." "See you called me Love, so you love me Mia." she shoots me another playful glare "You will be lucky if I don't end up killing you." I fake hurt and say "You think I'm dead for eleven bloody years and when you find out I'm not...You want to kill me? I thought you loved me more than that Mia." "Shut it." she says before pulling me in for a kiss, I grin into the kiss and finally start to enjoy being alive for the first time in eleven years when George once again says "We really should go." I shoot him a look that would kill before grabbing onto him and Mia to apparate back to The Burrow.

(Hey guys, Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you like the way things ended with Ron, and if you like the story in general.)            

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