"Hi Dad..."

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Freddy POV:

I got three owls yesterday. One for me, one for Georgia, and one for the Nott siblings because their owl passed on the other night. I quickly wake up Georgia (Georgie as I like to call her) so we can read our letters. 

Freddy & Georgia's letter:

Dear, Freddy and Georgia

I have some news to tell you. To start with your step father cheated on me with Mrs.Nott so you, your sister, and I will be moving into the flat above WWW's. I already packed all of your things and fixed your room, you will be coming home this weekend to spend some time with your family (Headmaster has already approved). Next, I will be coming by the school at noon sharply tomorrow because I have someone you NEED to meet. Just stay in the great hall, we will meet you at the professors table at the front of the hall, you can bring any of your friends up to say hi that you wish to bring. Lastly I would like to inform you that your Uncle Ron is dead, He was caught and found guilty of being a death eater. 

- Lots of love, Mum and Family 

End of letter:

Freddy POV:

After reading the letter over ten times my sister and I finally head off to breakfast. I look back at the letter and notice it was sent yesterday, that means mum and whoever will be here today at lunch. We walk into the great hall and see the Finnegan sisters, and Abby McLaggen  watching our older cousins and our older friends (Zeke and Jacob). I wait until we get sat down at our table before I call Zeke and the others over. "ZABINI!" I yell "WEASLEY!" he yells back making half the Gryffindor table look at him before they realize he meant me. I get up and run up to him, meeting him halfway between our tables. He grins at me and I launch myself into his arms causing him to have to catch me so I don't hit the floor, "Enjoying the view, Weasley?" he says after he notices I'm staring at him "Not really, Zabini, I was just wondering how something could be so weird and still manage to catch everyone's attention." "So I catch your attention?" he says with a smug smirk "Only in your dreams Zabini." he goes to say something else but instead James Potter beats him to it "Oi! Zabini! Take your hands off my little cousin! No flirting while I'm eating!" "Agreed!" said the rest of my cousins.

"I suppose you should put me down now." I say to Zeke who is grinning like an idiot "What if I don't want to, Weasley?" "Then I will make you." says James standing up and plucking me from Zeke's arms and setting me in the seat beside him. "She can't sit here." said an annoyingly high pitch voice from the seat in front of me, "Well, Abby. Last time I checked, you don't own this table, nor are you Freddys mother. So leave her alone." says an annoyed James "James, Why do you even defend the snake?" says Abby with a smirk directed towards me "I defend her, because she is family. Abby, you do realize you just ruined any chance in hell you had at ever getting me to go out with you, right?" Abby looks at me and yells "You bloody slag, You just ruined my life." "What life?" I say with a fake innocent look on my face... James chokes on his pumpkin juice laughing, Zeke slaps his hand over his mouth, while Fred the 2nd, Lorcan, and Lysander Lovegood are just yelling "BURN" at the tops of their lungs.

"Okay, that's about enough social time for you today, Freddy." says a voice that I recognize as Abe Nott "What are you going to do about it, Nott?" I ask with a sly smile playing on my lips "This." he says as he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder and packs out of the great hall, As we are leaving I see Zeke get really jealous. "NOTT, PUT ME DOWN!" "Why, You let Zabini pack you around like this?" "ZABINI IS THE ONLY PERSON ALLOWED TO PACK ME AROUND LIKE THIS!" after I yell that Zeke runs out in the hall steals me off Abe's arm and runs me to my first class and says "Don't let him pick you up again." before sitting me in a seat and leaving for his class. 

*Flash forward to Noon*

After three classes of torture me and Georgia meet up with Zeke and Jacob and head to the great hall to wait on Mum and whoever else she brings with her. We sit with our friends and begin to eat lunch when all of a sudden the doors to the great hall bang open and two brooms fly in at full speed, I can see each broom has two people on it. On the first broom I see ginger hair, and white blonde hair (Ember I hope). and on the other broom I see another head of ginger hair, and my moms mess of brown curls. The brooms make a few laps around the hall before landing right in front of the professors table. When the four turn around I begin to cry when I see my Uncle George and someone who looks exactly like him standing with my mom and sister. I look at my twin and see she is also crying. I get up and take off for the front of the hall and grab my little sister and hug her as hard as I can, I then turn to my mom and uncle and hug them, before finally looking at the last man who is looking from me and Georgia, to Mum with teary eyes. 

"Hi, You must be Freddy and Georgia..." I nod my head and say "Hi... Dad?" "Yes, Girls... Meet Fred Weasley... Also known as your dad." I hear mum say, but I wasn't really paying attention to her, I look at my sister and nod before we both jump on our dad and hug him like our lives depend on it. As soon as we hug our dad we can hear applause all around the hall and the clicking of cameras, and mum yelling at someone named Rita Skeeter to get the hell out of her family business or else she would ship her off to azkaban in a jar. Uncle George speaks and said "Freddy, Georgia. You should probably let your dad breathe." We reluctantly let go of our dad and go to grab all of our cousins, Zeke, and Jacob and then book it to the front of the hall and start to introduce everyone to our dad. When we get to Zeke and Jacob our dad just kind of looks them up and down before nodding in approval and turning to talk to mom. 

"Well girls, We better get going. We will see you this weekend. You are allowed to bring five friends with you. Plus your cousins." says our mom "Okay, We will see you then." "I love you girls." "We love you too, Mum." Mum walks over to uncle George and starts talking to him so we turn to Ember and give her a quick tight hug before whispering "I love you sis." and run over to my dad and tackle him into a hug and kiss him on the cheek and say "I love you, You have to teach me how to be a beater this weekend." he chuckles and says "I will, Bye Freddy. I love you." then he repeats his actions with Georgia, before him, mom, Ember, and our uncle mount their brooms and take off out of the hall detonating WWW's fireworks just before the doors to the great hall close behind them leaving all of us stunned.            

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