"What the hell, Boot?"

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Ember POV:

We are on the train to Hogwarts, this year I'll be a second year and Freddy and Georgia will be third years... Rumor has it that after last year, they made Professor Malfoy quit. At the current moment in time I am sitting in a compartment with Taylor, Jordan, James, Fred 2nd, Lorcan, and Lysander. We are all talking about quidditch when the door of our compartment is slammed open and a tall boy with red brown hair is standing in the open doorway looking at us, "What do you want, Boot?" Jordan all but growls at the boy. "Play nice, Jordan!" I say smacking him on the chest before James asks the boy, "Can we help you?" the boy says "I was looking for Ember Weasley." I slowly stand up and ask him what he needed, I notice a flash of worry cross the boys eyes but he quickly covers it up with confidence as he says, "I wanted to do this.", cups my face in his hands, and crashes his lips onto mine. I freeze with shock for a moment before I slowly kiss the boy back. 

"What the hell, Boot?!" James exclaims when the boy (Who's name I still don't know) and I pull apart, "Dude, I'm with James. What the hell Kory?" The boy, who I am going to assume is Kory, smirks at the boys and says "I just wanted to kiss her. Ember, Would you like to go out with me sometime?" Kory asks me ignoring the looks of anger, shock, and amusement on the faces of the boys behind us. "Sure..." I say slowly, "Great!" he says before kissing me again and quickly walking out of our compartment. "Ember, What was that?" Taylor asks me, looking at me like I had lost my damn mind. "Apparently my first kiss." I say sitting myself down in Taylors lap and going back into quidditch talk with James. Jordan stands up and walks out of the compartment, talking about going to find Kory and the next thing I know everyone else is following him except for Lorcan, Lysander, and James.

 *Time Skip; Great Hall*

I walk into the hall with Taylor on my right and Jordan on my left, we are talking about how rumor had it that Hogwarts would be having a Halloween ball this year. "I hope it's true." I say excitedly while scanning the hall for Kory. Taylor and I walk over to the Gryffindor table while Jordan sulks his way over to the Slytherin table sitting down in between my sisters. I take another look around the hall hoping to see Kory and nearly die when I notice him sitting with the fourth year quidditch players a little way down Gryffindor table. One of his friends look up and notice me looking at Kory, his friend smirks, slaps Kory's shoulder, and points down the table at me. Kory looks over at me and shoots me a wink before turning back to his friends and receiving slaps on the back from his friends who look proud of him. He says something to them before getting up and moving over to sit by me.

"Hey, Weasley, I was wondering if you would wear my jersey from last year to the quidditch game next week? It's Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw." he says casually putting his arm around my shoulders. "I guess." I say and notice a look of triumph flash in his eyes. "Okay! Meet me in the common room at midnight and I'll give it too you." he says, places a kiss on my normally pale cheek (which is now as red as my sisters hair), and stalks back over to his friends. "Ember, If you want I can wait up with you. I don't trust him." Taylor says from beside me, earning looks of approval from the rest of my cousins sitting near us. "Tay, I'll be fine. I don't need you to babysit me." I say harshly. "Yeah right." I hear him mutter under his breath. I stand up quickly and move down the table pushing Kory down a seat and sliding into the seat beside him. 

"Hey, Weasley." Kory says putting his arm around my shoulders and introducing his friends, "Okay, so,  The one with the purple eyes is Paxton Montague he's a metamorphosis, The one who looks like he is a kiss arse is Cassius Warrington the 2nd, and lastly we have Damon Wolpert hes the one who usually is sporting a broken bone of some sort." I look at the three other boys and notice Paxton is 'checking me out', Cassius looks intrigued by the fact that I haven't killed Kory yet, and Damon is just looking at Kory with raised eyebrows. "Well, Are you going to introduce her to us?" Damon says shooting me a wink, Kory flips Damon off and then says "Well, This is Ember Weasley. Her sisters are those two third years who made professor Malfoy quit his job last year." as soon as Kory says this Cassius's eyebrows raise and he asks "The cute ones that Zabini and Nott have dibs on?" before Kory can respond Zeke yells from the next table over "That is correct!" 

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