The Second and Final Final Battle

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Ember POV:

It's time. Everyone is getting ready for the long fight that lies before us. "Kory, If we don't make it out of this..." I start to say something to Kory who just looks at me and says "Shut the bloody hell up. You will make it out of this, If I die again it will be to protect you." I brandish my wand and walk over to talk to my sisters, I see Freddy and Zeke talking about something angrily in the corner, "Freddy, Don't talk like that!" Zeke growls at my sister who has tears rolling down her cheeks. "Zeke, I just get this feeling... Something bad is going to happen." before Zeke can yell at Freddy again the door to the great hall is blasted open and the large heavy doors fall off the hinges, crushing Damon in the process. "NO!" I scream as I run over towards the doors and a smirking Cedric Krum who is looking smug about his first kill. "How fucking dare you." I growl and watch Cedrics eyes widen in horror. 

"Ember, Stand down. I don't want to have to hurt you..." Cedric starts but when he takes notice of a fuming Kory, a pissed off Paxton, and a murderous Cassius he decides better than to finish he sentence, knowing good and well that he wouldn't be able to hurt me if he wanted to. "Ced... Come back." We hear a voice call out from behind us, the voice of Hermione Krum to be exact. "I wish I could, Sister. But, I've been good far to long." Cedric says with a snarl as he pulls his wand out and points it at his sister. "THAT'S MY BLOODY GIRLFRIEND YOU WANKER!" James Potter yells as he body tackles Cedric to the ground, takes Cedrics wand, and snaps it right in front of Cedrics wide frightened eyes. "Now, Lets rethink your previous statement... Better yet, Lets not. Cassius, He's all yours." James says with a evil grin before passing Cedric over to Cassius. 

"We all need to spread out and end this thing." I say and run out into the corridor and towards the entrance to the castle. Once I'm outside I see students from all houses fighting off hordes of people cloaked from head to toe in black robes and metallic silver masks. Almost instantly I see Dillion Nott shove a younger year Slytherin boy to the side, when she hears him begging his own mother to show him mercy, and begin to duel a much older woman in black robes in place of the boy. It's as if time slows to a stop when Dillion is hit with a cruciatus curse and a bone chilling scream is ripped from her lips. "NO!" I hear Flicker yell from behind me and push past everyone to try and get across the courtyard to save Dillion. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" an older man yells, his wand trained on Flicker. No one has time to react as the curse flies towards my younger sister. Just before it makes contact with Flicker, Cassius launches himself in front of Flicker and takes the curse in her place. 

Students are falling all around us, Students are facing their parents in this fight. Students who never asked for any of this... Kids. This is the second time in our history a war is being fought by innocent children. Looking around I see Zeke is cornered by three death eaters and will have no escape... What am I saying? It's bloody Zeke. He's got this. Zeke scares the hell out of the three death eaters when he twists and turns into a giant lion and begins to snarl at them, I watch with momentary amusement as the three death eaters take off in different directions and Zeke changes back into a human. "EMBER!" I hear a voice call out and spin on my heels just in time to see a wall come down on Fred the 2nd. A mix of fear and adrenaline is running throughout my body as I take off to see if my cousin was okay. "Fred? Fred Weasley the 2nd if you don't wake up right now I swear to Merlin I'll never forgive you." I say as I shake my cousins now lifeless body and begin to feel tears form in my eyes.

"Ember, Leave him! We need to find Blackwood and finish this. We need to avenge Damon, Cas', Fred the 2nd, and everyone else who died fighting tonight." I hear Kory whisper yell in my ear as he pulls me to my  feet roughly and runs for Regulus who is standing on the other side of the courtyard watching something with amusement clear in his eyes. I look in the direction he is looking in and see what looks to be a first year hufflepuff girl with pink hair and purple eyes being surrounded by death eaters, I move my body to help her when it dawns on me... Pink hair and Purple eyes... THATS BLOODY PAXTON! The men move to grab the small girl but jump away in fright when she turns into a six foot seven boy who clearly plays quidditch. The men nope right on out of that and Paxton turns into a different little girl, this time with black hair and purple eyes before running back out into the battle.

Kory, Regulus, and I take off for the bridge and finally come face to face with Rain Blackwood... She's yelling at Cedric for failing the one task she gave him. "YOU IDIOTIC BOY! I SEND YOU TO KILL EMBER MALFOY AND ALL YOU CAN DO IS TAKE DOWN HER MUTT OF A BODYGUARD? I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS!" she yells at Cedric who cowers back from her before straightening his back and saying "Her damn name is Ember Wealsey, and I could never kill her... I love her." "Very well then. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Rain yells as she points her wand at his face. Cedric takes the curse with all the dignity he has left and then crumples to the ground like a rag doll. "Oi! You looking for me?" I call out as I step out onto the bridge, Kory and Reg behind me. "As a matter of fact, I am." she sneers at me but doesn't move towards me when she takes notice of Kory and Regulus behind me. She draws her wand and points it at me so fast I don't have time to react, her lips begin to move to yell a curse when out of nowhere a huge lion (Zeke) jumps over Kory, Regulus, and I and sinks its teeth into her wrist, taking her wand and snapping it in the process. 

Without another glance at any of us Zeke takes off running in the direction of a scream. Rain is holding her wrist and looking at us with fear clear in her eyes. "Regulus, she's all yours." I say to my little brother who steps to the front and slowly backs Rain into the safety railing behind her. "Boy, You don't know what you're doing." she warns as Regulus draws his wand and screams "EVERTE STATUM!", we watch as Rain is tossed backwards over the railing and falls down towards what we hope is water... I run over to the rail and look down to find a gruesome sight... She had missed the water and had instead landed head first on the rocks. All I can see is blood and what looks like her collar bone poking out of her skin. "It's over." is all I say as I hug my younger brother and then move to snog the daylights out of Kory. "EMBER! COME QUICK... IT'S FLICKER!" Freddy yells at me through tears. "Fuck." I breathe as Regulus and I share a look before running off to find out whats going on....

(Time Skip: Two Days later)

"I'm here to address the press on what really happened at Hogwarts. Two and a half weeks ago, I Ember Weasley was killed. I managed to bring my self and Kory Boot back from the dead two days ago. The day after I was killed a lady named Rain Blackwood laid siege to Hogwarts and stormed the castle. The four houses were confined to their common rooms, Told that if they fought back they would die. A young man named Dixon Thakur, a Ravenclaw fourth year, decided along side with Ravenclaws older years that they needed to fight back because if they didn't they would likely loose their lives anyway. Dixon smuggled out all the first and second year Ravenclaws before he was finally killed when he and everyone else decided to take back Ravenclaw tower and the floor they were on by force. The final final battle of Hogwarts took many more lives, Dixon Thakur was only the first of many. I alone lost my older cousin Fred Wealsey the 2nd, two of my closest friends Damon Wolpert and Cassius Warrington the 2nd, and lastly I lost my little sister Flicker Zabini/Granger. These deaths have had a major impact on my life, a greater impact than the battle it's self. That is all I'm going to say for the moment... So, Please move out of my way so I can lay my sister to rest."   

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