Nothing to lose

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Hermione POV: 

Today is the day. Today we raid Lestrange Manor. Over the last week the entire Weasley/Potter clan has ended up volunteering to help with the raid, Me being the first, followed by George, Ginny, Bill, Charlie, and finally Percy (Even though he was very hesitant to come for some reason). Harry has informed us all that five former death eaters are suspected to be in the manor, I am ready to take these bastards out. They killed Fred and I wont stop until they are dead. I am thinking about Fred as we are preparing to leave and tears begin to trickle down my face and onto my shirt, I don't think anyone has noticed until Percy sits down beside me and says "I'm sorry, Mione." I look at him oddly and say "Sorry for what?" but instead of answering me he gets up and walks away. I continue to cry quietly until I feel arms wrap around me and a voice whisper "I miss him too, I see him in everything... It will always hurt, but we have to be strong Mione." I realize that the voice is George and turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him while crying into his shirt... I can feel him shaking and crying into my hair and that's when it hits me, I was never alone, I just chose to isolate myself from all of the pain that I didn't want to face. 

"Time to go." Harrys voice pulls me out of my thoughts and back to reality, with one last squeeze I pull away from Georges hug and turn to face Harry and the Weasley clan, and ready my wand for a fight. I grab onto Harry and George and apparate to Lestrange manor, as soon as we land we have to wait on the others and that alone takes about three minuets. As soon as everyone is in position, we burst into the manor and find Fenrir Grayback, Crabbe Sr., Goyle Sr., Antonin Dolohov, and Nott Sr. sitting around a fire in the front room of the manor, as soon as they spot us they look at each other and stand up ready for a fight. Dolohvo fires the first spell at Ginny starting the battle that everyone knew was to come "Confringo!" Ginny is pushed out of the way by Harry who is already raising his wand to shoot a spell at Dolohov, but Harry is pushed to the side by Molly Weasley "First you kill my brothers. Now you try to blow up my daughter? I don't think so. DELETRIUS!" Dolohov attempts to jump out of the way but fails and is hit with the spell that disintegrates him instantly. 

The remaining four death eaters share a look before they begin to fire more spells, the entire battle goes silent when a spell about to be shot at George Weasley "AVADA KED-" before Nott Sr. could finish his spell someone yells "CRUCIO !" the curse hits Nott Sr. in the chest and then a "CONFRINGO!" is shot at him from George and then there were three death eaters left. George turns to Hermione and says "Thanks, I will never forget that. I owe you my life." I say a quick "Be careful." before I turn around and lock eyes with Grayback. Grayback sneers at me before saying "I am going to enjoy this one." I begin shooting spells at Grayback who is blocking them with ease he is getting closer and I don't know what to do then the next thing I know he is standing right in front of me sneer on his face "Well, Mudblood. Ready to see what I can do? I am." I close my eyes and await for the mauling I know is about to happen but then I hear the voice of Percy Weasley yell "AVADA KEDAVRA." and a body hit the floor. I open my eyes and see the lifeless body of Grayback laying on the floor at my feet. I turn around to say thank you to Percy but can't find him anywhere. The battle rages on for a good twenty minuets until Ginny and George finally manage to take out Goyal Sr. and Crabbe Sr. 

"Someone check the cellars for hostages." says Harry, after no one hears him he says "Mione, George, and Ginny. Go check the cellars, Now." George, Ginny, and I all take off towards the cellars, wands still drawn. We reach the door to the cellar and Ginny opens the door and steps in. We all agree to spread out so the search would go faster. As we are looking I hear Ginny let out a loud scream so I take off to where she is looking. On the way to Ginny I run smack into George and fall flat on my arse, He helps me off and we continue running to Ginny... and when we find her, I promptly faint at the sight I see. 

Ginny POV: 

After Hermione and George run off in the other direction I take off to the right and begin to look for any signs of life. I spot a cell in the back corner of the cellar and run over to it and cast a Lumos charm and peer in and scream in shock when I see George in the cell. "George what happened?" I ask in a whisper and to my surprise he says "Ginevra, I am shocked you can't tell your own brothers apart. Do I look like I have one bloody ear?"  I gasp and tears begin to roll down my cheeks "Fred..." He opens his mouth to say something else to me but before he can I hear a gasp and a body hit the floor behind me, "MIA!" Fred yells not paying attention to anything else but the girl on the floor. "Gin, Get me out of this bloody cell!" he says in a panic, I am still in shock from finding out that my brother who was believed to be dead for eleven years was in fact very much alive.

"Bloody hell, Gin open the door!" he says again. "Alohomora!' I hear George say (More yell at the door and the next thing I know Fred is on the floor picking up Hermione bridal style and running for the stairs. I look at George and see him crying and looking in the direction his brother just ran off in.

Georges POV: 

I look over at Ginny and say "Come on!" and start to run off after my twin. When I finally find him I see everyone with their wands pointed at Fred and telling him to put Hermione down. He then yells "I will not put her down, she fainted." Harry gets angry and yells "WE NEED TO KNOW IF IT IS REALLY YOU!" "Ask me something." When no one can think of anything to ask him we hear a small voice say "What was the last thing you said to me?" Fred looks down to the source of the voice and says "I'll see you on the other side. I love you, Mia." Hermione looks at him and says "It's really you!" he nods his head and sets her down only to be tackled by her the moment he puts her down. As soon as he catches his balance her lips are on his. 

Percy POV: 

I have to come clean. I have been keeping this secret for far too long. I need to tell them that Ron and I are Death eaters. I was the one that was supposed to kill Fred... but I just couldn't Ron was supposed to kill Mione, he would have gone through with it if Malfoy hadn't stepped in and taken her away before the battle ended. Malfoy said he would kill her, but went off the grid about two months after the battle of Hogwarts. I now know it is because she was pregnant. I took Fred here and locked him in the cellar... The body they saw was Colin Creevey, I held him at wand point and forced him to drink polyjuice potion then killed him... I am ashamed... but if I don't tell them I know Fred will. All hell is about to break loose and I know it.      

Authors Note: Please leave comments and let me know what you think. I am kind of iffy on this part and any feedback you have is more than needed.

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