Christmas Merical

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Ember POV:

I open my eyes to a blinding white light and find myself in Kings cross station. Standing up, I walk over to the stairs that lead to platform nine and three quarters. Once I cross over onto nine and three quarters, I immediately bump into someone. "Kory?" "Yes, Love... It's me." he says grinning at me. "Why are we here?" I ask him looking around the platform questioningly, after I ask this his grin turns into a frown, "Because, Love, You have to make a choice." "What choice is that?" "The choice on if you stay here with me, or if you go back to them..." he tells me looking at me sadly. "Here." I quickly say, earning a sharp look from him. "They need you... Damon, Paxton, your family... You need to go back to them." he tells me putting his hand under my chin and lifting my face so I was looking right into his eyes. "But, I want to stay with you..." "They all need you. Especially Damon, not a lot of people know this but he is a werewolf.. this will be his first transformation alone, he needs you." As soon as I process what Kory said I respond with "Damon has Cassius." he looks at the floor again and tells me "Cassius left three days after you were put in the hospital. He is half veela, and his parents sent him off to France so he could look for his mate... He and Damon aren't mates..."

Cassius left? How could he? After everything everyone has been though he just up and left? "Cassius wouldn't leave..." I say quickly hoping Kory was joking. "He did... Damon hasn't left your bedside for three weeks, Tomorrow is his first full moon alone. He needs you to be awake for it... I want to you be with them. It's not your time to go Ember." Kory says to me, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I love you..." I say to him, hoping he would change his mind. "I love you too, Ember, Always." he tells me before leaning down to kiss me one last time, I kiss him back with everything I have left in me. When I finally pull away, Kory leads me over to the Hogwarts Express and tells me "I am always watching out for you.", before turning around and disappearing into thin air. 

My eyes pop open and I am blinded by the bright lights of the hospital wing. "Oh! You're awake!" a dreamy voice exclaims from the bed next to mine. Looking over I see a girl with chocolate brown hair, eyes the color of coffee, and caramel colored skin. "He hasn't left your bedside in three weeks..." she says gesturing to someone on the other side of my bed, only after she does this do I feel the warmth of someones hand in mine. "Ember?" I hear the groggy voice of Damon Wolpert questions from beside me. "Damon? Damon!" I say excitedly jumping out of the bed to hug him... only to be forced back into bed because of the intense pain coming from my chest. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? DO YOU REALIZE WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF I HAD NOT BEEN IN THE COMMON ROOM?" Damon yells at me, tears slowly pooling in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." is all I can think to say.  "I'm going to go get Paxton, James, Jordan, and your sisters... Stay here." 

I turn back to the girl in the bed to my right and ask her what her name is, "My name is Alexandria Davis." she responds in her dreamy voice... "Davis? I've heard that name before..." I say, trying to figure out where I had heard that name before. "Um.. My twin sister Ali Davis... She killed herself last year... Jumped off the Astronomy Tower..." Alex tells me slowly, her dreamy voice hardening a little at the end. My eyes widen when I realize that her sister was the Hufflepuff girl who was found last year the day before Christmas... a year ago today... "I'm sorry for your loss." I quickly tell her, not able to meet her eyes. "I've been helping Madam Pomfrey take care of you! The boy... Damon? Well, he wouldn't let her near you... So she had me befriend him, and I've been giving you your medicine and cleaning your stitches." She informs me, just as my sisters, and the boys come crashing into the hospital wing. "EMBER! YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" Paxton says jumping into my bed and hugging me... earning a growl from Damon... "Watch her bloody stitches." Damon growls at Paxton who raises his hands in surrender before slowly climbing off my bed. 

"Damon. I'm. Fine." I say from behind clinched teeth. "Well, Clearly you aren't. If you were, you wouldn't be in here. Would you?" he snarls at me before sitting in the chair beside my bed, glaring at me. I begin to ignore him and turn to my sisters who, to be honest, look like shit. "How dare you? How fucking dare you scare us like this?" Freddy says angrily. "Do you not know what you've caused?" Georgia starts on me as well. "Leave her alone. She can't help that she was feeling like shit. All of you blamed her for Kory Boots' death... The only one who gave two shits about her health was Paxton." Alex says getting up from her bed, and standing toe to toe with Freddy. "Alex... This isn't your fight." Georgia says looking like she had seen a ghost. "Well, seeing as my sister was in the same place Ember was in and I was the only one who bothered to care... It's my fight now." Alex says to my sisters before pointing at the door and telling them not to come back until they could think of a better way to treat me. 

After my sisters, and Paxton leave I lay back down to go to sleep but shoot up out of bed when I hear the voice of my Slytherin best friend, "Em?" "JORDAN!" I scream, earning yet another growl from Damon. "I'll be back tomorrow to see you... If I stay any longer Damon might kill me." Jordan says before kissing my head, and leaving. "Could you maybe quit growling? I get tomorrow is the full moon but damn." I say turning to Damon. "Well, excuse me for being angry... It's not like my best friend was murdered, then you tried to kill yourself, and Cassius left to go find his motherfucking veela mate." he says in his usual snarky voice... but I can hear him breaking behind his tough front. "I'm sorry, Damon..." "You should be." he snaps at me. I lay back down to try and sleep. I close my eyes but just before I fall asleep, I feel a hand slip into mine and a soft kiss be placed upon my forehead. All I can think about as I am falling asleep is what this boy has been through and how I will do anything to help him chase his 'monsters' away...

(Let me know what you think in the comments!)

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