"Well, At least I knocked this time."

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Fred POV: 

After a lovely weekend with my kids and family, I am ready to finally get Mia alone and not have to deal with Lee bloody Jordan never knocking on a damn door. We are rushing the kids into the floo and sending them back to Hogwarts at the moment, "Hey, Gin?" I ask  my sister "Yes, Fredrick?" She says still kinda mad at me for not knocking on her bedroom door this morning and seeing her and Harry in a very compromising position, "Can you watch Ember tonight, Please?" I say ready to beg if it's called for "Why do you need me to watch her?" she asks looking at me like I was crazy, "I would like to have some time alone with Mia before we are forty." I say in one breath earning a laugh from my wonderfully annoying little sister, "I guess we could watch her tonight... I would put up wards before you do anything though, Knowing you two and your luck, Lee will end up flooing into the living room." 

"I will floo where?" asks Lee after hearing Ginny say his name "In my living room later tonight... When I'm doing Mia." I say smirking at how his eyes widened after I said the last bit, "I will make sure to stay far away from your flat, as much as I can." He says with a wink in my direction. "Fred, Can you grab Embers stuff and take her home?" I hear Mia ask me, "Actually, Love... Ginny and Harry are taking Ember tonight."  she looks at me and asks "Why?" I smirk and lean down to whisper in her ear, "So, I can bend you over every flat surface in the flat and shag you senseless." I whisper just loud enough for not only her to hear it... but Lee as well. "MATE!" Lee yells looking at me like I'm the sickest bastard he has ever seen, "Yes?" I ask him looking as innocent as possible "You are unbelievable, Is that all you ever think about?" he asks me "Yes." 

After all the kids are gone and we get Ember back to Harry and Ginny's,  Mia and I floo home. As soon as we get out of the floo, I push Mia back and onto the kitchen table and I start talking to her very slowly and in a very low voice "I am going to bend you over everything in this house, and then shag you until you can't walk." she looks at me with lust in her eyes before slowly beginning to unbutton her shirt looking me in the eyes the entire time. She lets her shirt hit the floor and revels her lacy red bra, I can't help the growl that escapes my throat upon seeing it. She then pulls her jeans off in one swift motion, leaving her in her matching red lace knickers... I look her up and down before my eyes finally find hers and then I lose any self control I have.

I step forwards and lift her up and set her onto the table before attaching my lips to hers. I slowly begin to let my hands wander and play with the band of her knickers, as I move my mouth to her neck and begin sucking and nipping leaving small hickeys all across her neck. She tugs on the end of my shirt signaling for me to take it off, as soon as my shirt is off I move my hands to her knickers, pull them off, and toss them across the room. I begin tease her, softly brushing my hands over the her thighs and teasing her folds with my fingers until she lets out a noise of frustration and pushes her hips forwards and against my hand. "Do you want me to finger your pretty pussy?" I ask her, she moans loudly and pushes her hips forward more, but I take my free hand and push her hips back down "I want to hear you say it." I growl in her ear. "Ye-es." she says breathing heavily. 

I push one finger into her while another finger begins to circle her clit, She lets out a very loud moan as I begin to pump my finger in and out of her "You like that don't you? Me fingering your pretty little pussy?" I growl in her ear, Her response to that is an even louder moan than the one before. I keep pumping my finger in and out of her quickening my pace, and I eventually add another finger. I wait until I feel her walls beginning to clinch around my fingers before I pull her off the table and bend her over it, "I told you that I was going to shag you until you couldn't walk... I meant it." I say as I begin undoing my pants. As soon as my pants and boxers are discarded I waste no time pounding into her, loving the string of moans and noises coming from her mouth and throat. Just as I begin to climax I hear a knock on the door, I ignore it... but the door fly's open to reveal a very red in the face Lee Jordan.

"EVERY DAMN TIME!" I yell after Mia and I are dressed and looking at a very embarrassed Lee "At least I knock this time." He says looking at me apologetically. "Lee, You should have known better than to come within one hundred yards of this place." I say with a glare "George told me to come tell you to 'Quite down' because he can hear you two from down in the shop..." Lee says finally making eye contact with me "TELL GEORGE HE WAS MEANT TO HEAR US!" I exclaim only to receive a smack on the back of the head, and a glare from Mia. "Tell him that we are sorry and we will not be continuing tonight if he wishes for us to be quite so he can work." says Mia, "Like hell we won't. I intend to use our only childless night here until Ember goes to Hogwarts next year to my advantage." I say shooting Mia a wink before turning to Lee "Tell him I said 'If he want's quite, the to work at home.' and it's his fault anyway for letting me have the flat back."  I say to Lee before pushing him out the door and being sure to lock it this time. "Now, Where were we." I ask turning back to Mia. "I don't know where you were, but I was about to go take a shower." she says running for the bathroom, "Oi! Wait on me!" I yell following her to the bathroom and joining her in the shower.                    

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