"No, bloody Voldy hit it."

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Freddy POV: 

After Uncle George calls us back in, we sit around and talk until I remember that Dad is supposed to teach me and Georgia how to play quidditch today. "Dad, You said you would teach us to play Quidditch this weekend. We already know how to fly, but can you show us how to really play tonight?" "Only if you can convince your Uncles, Aunt Ginny, and Cousins to play too."  "Okay." says Georgia with a smirk on her face "HEY! ANYONE UP FOR A GAME OF QUIDDITCH?" I scream at the top of my lungs so no matter where someone was in the house they could hear me. We hear a collection of yes's come from all over the house and people running from all over the place to get down stairs. "I think everyone is in." I say with a shy glance in my dads direction "Yeah, Whatever. Let me get the old brooms out of the shed while everyone else can floo home to grab one for them because we only have seven brooms here and we have around twenty one people who are going to be either playing or teaching." 

It takes a bloody hour for everyone to gather their brooms and meet back up at the field beside the burrow. "Alright, We are going to divide you kids up based on who wants to play what position. Would anyone who wishes to be a chaser please go to Ginny, anyone who wishes to be a seeker to go Harry, anyone who wishes to be a keeper to go to Bill, and anyone who wishes to be a beater to follow me and George." dad yells. James immediately runs over to Uncle Bill. Fred the 2nd and Dillion Run over to Aunt Ginny. Jacob, Zeke, and Ember run over to Uncle Harry. While Georgia and I stayed with Dad and Uncle George. 

Freds POV:

After about ten minuets of me and George trying to teach the girls how to be beater together and failing miserably, We decided to each take a kid and work separately. The girls decided that they wanted to work with the person they were named after, so I got the lovely Freddy. I put the bat in her hands and started to explain to her how to hit it but she clearly isn't paying attention because she is watching Zeke bloody Zabini, so I set a bludger on her to see how she reacts and am bloody shocked when she hits it as hard as she can and sends it flying into Harrys back. "OW! BLOODY HELL FRED!" Harry yells turning around to yell at me but stops when he sees that I don't have the bat. 

"Did she hit that?" Harry asks looking like an idiot "No, Bloody Voldy hit it. YES SHE HIT IT." "How did she hit it that hard?" "I don't kno-" Before I can finish saying anything I hear Ginny yell at George "BLOODY HELL, GEORGE! DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO HIT ME? WHY NOT HARRY?" George is looking at our baby sister like she has lost her mind and yells "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I HAVE THE BLOODY BEATERS BAT?" while pointing at my daughter who is looking at her Aunt shyly "Sorry, Aunt Gin." Ginny looks at me then at Georgia and Freddy before she says "That's okay, Dear. How about we have a scrimmage match? Just to see if you picked the right position for you." she says now talking to all the kids, "SURE!" all of the kids yelled... Well, This is going to be interesting.

(Sorry for such a short update, but I spent the majority of the day writing a one-shot. Its called, Warrior, check it out please!) 

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