Coming to you my Romeo.

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*Possible Trigger Warning* 

Paxton POV:

It's been three days since Kory was killed. Three days since Ember was last seen by anyone other than me. Three says since Taylor Coote was assaulted by Damon before being carted off to Azkaban. Three days since I lost a brother.... Kory's parents fled the country the day after Kory was killed, not even bothering to claim his body or plan his funeral, because of this Damon was asked to plan Korys funeral. Ember isn't doing well at all... she charmed her long blonde hair a dark shade of black, locked herself in her dorm, and has only been letting me in to bring her food so she wont starve. "I'm going to go check on Ember..." I say to Cassius and Damon who look up at me from their places on the floor of our common room. "You know... She's the reason he's dead." Damon growls, his eyes turning the yellow I've only ever seen them turn during his transformations... "IT WASN'T HER FAULT! HE LOVED HER AND YOU KNOW HE DID...." Cassius yells at Damon before telling me to tell Ember hello. "You've gotta quit blaming her mate... You haven't seen her, She will never be the same." I say to Damon as I turn around to head over to the stairs. As soon as I start to walk up the stairs to the girls dorms I am pushed out of the way by Damon who is running up towards Embers room yelling for me to get Madam Pomfrey. 

Damon POV:

All at once it hits me. The smell that I've been trying to wipe from my memory for three days... Blood. The smell hits my nose and I immediately know who's blood I'm smelling. Ember. "GO GET MADAM POMFREY!!! NOW!" I yell at Paxton as I push him hard into the wall and run up the stairs two at a time. When I get to the room I know is Embers, I smell blood... a lot of it. I pound on the door yelling for her to open up, but when she doesn't I let out a beastly growl and toss my body into her door as hard as I can and watch the door fly off its hinges.  The first thing I see when I step into her room is a trail of blood leading from her bed into the loo... I panic when I look into the loo and see her laying passed out from blood loss on the floor. I run to her body and begin to search for a pulse, I growl once again when I can't find one.... We just lost Kory, we can't loose Ember. I pick her up and notice the blood is pouring from her chest... in the same place Korys cuts were... I also finally take notice to the golden dagger she is clutching in her hand. I run with her into the common room and find Paxton leading Pomfrey into the common room. "Help her." I say panicked as I lay Ember on the bed Paxton transfigured for her. "I don't know if I can." Madam Pomfrey says to herself not knowing I can hear her. Before I can help it I'm sitting on the floor crying.... Please Merlin not Ember. 

Ember POV: (twenty minuets before being discovered.)

I am staring at the person in the mirror and I don't recognize myself. Four days ago I wore a smile on my face, four days ago I was happy, four days ago I had Kory... But now I don't. I've spent three days in my room singing the same old sad song, reading the same old Shakespeare play. Romeo and Juliet. I would do anything to see my Romeo again... I close the seal on the last of the letters I've written. I wrote an apology letter to everyone who I care about and I wrote a will... The letters are going to Freddy, Georgia, Mum, Dad (Fred), Father (Draco Malfoy), Damon, Cassius, Paxton, James, and Jordan. I know this is going to be hard for them to accept but I just can't handle all this pain, the pain in my chest that keeps me awake all night, the pain from the flashbacks that I get of Kory bleeding out onto the floor... I slowly pick up a dagger that I had gotten off of a seventh year Gryffindor, plunge it into my chest, and drag it downwards... All at once the pain from the gash hits my body and silent tears begin to roll down my cheeks.... Im coming to you my Romeo I think as I am greeted by five people. A woman, three strange men, and a boy with messy red hair wearing Gryffindor robes. 

"Ember, What are you thinking?" Kory says as he kneels down beside me taking my hand in his. "Taking away the pain." I mumble and begin to close my eyes, "Ember. Don't." Kory says quickly. "But I'm so tired..." I say as I begin to fall asleep. I hear Kory begin to cry and say to the other four people with him "It's my fault... I wont be able so save her..." the woman says "Young boy, It was bound to happen. She is unhappy, and in a bad place... But she still has a chance to survive." "What do you mean?" Kory asks the woman who begins to say something but is cut off by a loud bang and a monstrous growl... I fall asleep but not before I hear Kory say "Damon..."

Kory POV:

"Damon..." I say in a whisper. I see him look around the room before his eyes land on Embers body laying on the floor of the loo. He runs over to her as quickly as he can and begins searching for a pulse. I hear him growl in frustration and I see why when Embers spirit slowly begins to try and escape her body... she has no pulse. "NO!" I yell and begin to get angry, Lily puts her hand on my shoulder and says "Wait." Damon picks her up and runs out of her room and into the common room. I follow him down and see him yelling at Pomfrey to do something. The next thing I know Ember is being rushed to the hospital wing and healers are being called in to try and save her... Damon is a crying mess on the floor, and Paxton is holding onto a crying set of Weasley twins as they sob into his shoulder. Cassius is nowhere to be seen. I follow Ember into the hospital wing and hear the healers talking about how they can't tell if she will make it or not... Please Merlin let her live.... 

(Should Ember Live or Not?? Let me know in the comments) 

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