Coming Clean

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Hermione POV: 

After everyone else rushed in and got over the shock of seeing Ember again we all sat down in the living room of the burrow and Harry is the first to speak "So you ran away with Malfoy? Really, Mione?" I shoot him a look and say "If you don't believe me feel free to take another look at Ember." next Ron has to open his mouth and say "So why don't you start with the whole Fred and you thing, I want to know what made you fall for my brother." "Okay, Ron. I have pictures to show you that go with different memories if that it okay." "Okay, start talking." "Okay lets start with the Yule Ball..."


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I can't believe the nerve of Ronald, to tell me I was "Fraternizing with the enemy" because I went to the ball with Viktor Krum. If he didn't want me to go with someone else he should have just asked me. As I'm sitting on the stairs crying because of that prat and thinking of ways to get him I hear a voice behind me say "Was Krum really that bad of a dancer?" I look up into the eyes of Fred Weasley "Not at all, it appears your git of a younger brother has struck a nerve with me." Fred looks at me closely and sees that I have been crying and says "My brother is an idiot for not asking you, I would have but I thought he was going to..." I look up at him and finally start to notice the little things about him, like the way his eyes looked in the candle lit hallway or the face he makes when he is thinking. Without thinking I stood up and said "I wish you would have asked me." he smirks and asks "Why's that, Granger?" taking a step towards him I say "Because, Then I wouldn't have to worry that I would end up crying on the stairs at midnight." he smiles and takes another step towards me and says "Is that so?" pulling all the Gryffindor courage I can to the surface I take one last step towards him and say "I believe it is." Fred takes one last step to me and says "Well then, How bout I make your night?" before I can ask what he means he takes three steps towards me pushes me back against the wall of the stairs and kisses me, after the first bit of shock I get I recover and kiss him back. Finally after about two minuets I pull away for air and Fred asks "Would you like to dance? So you can have a little bit of fun not ruined by Ron?" with a devious look on my face I say "I would love to dance, and I think I've had plenty of uninterrupted fun. Don't you think?" after I say that Fred grins from ear to ear and says "I suppose you have." and then takes me by the hand for a dance.  

*End of Flashback* 

After I finish telling the beginning of Fred and I, Ronald looks ready to explode with anger while Ginny and Harry are laughing and George looks like he is about to die from trying not to laugh at Ron. When everyone recovers from laughing Harry speaks up and asks "So you and Fred started because Ron was being a prat?" "In a way." Ron still looks angry and finally says "I can't believe that I drove the girl that I have been in love with for years into the arms of my brother." Ginny looks like she wants to know more and she says "What happened after that?" I look at her for a minuet before I decide on the next picture to tell them about "Well Gin, I guess next was the summer before fifth year."



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I was sitting in the room I shared with Ginny at the burrow reading when all of a sudden I hear a small explosion from the floor above me, I roll my eyes put my book down and head up to my boyfriends room to see what he and George have done this time but when I open their door I am greeted by two very startled red heads and a blonde girl laughing her arse off "Hello, Luna." I say as I step in "Hello, Hermione." I look her in the eyes and ask "What happened?" she is sent into another round of laughter before she manages to choke out "Apparition" that's all she needed to say for me to begin to laugh "Did you try to apparate in here to scare them?" I ask after a minuet or two "Yes, and I think it worked." she says looking over to the boys who appear to have recovered from the scare and were now approaching us very slowly "Well Georgie" says Fred "Yes, Freddy?" says George in response "I do think our little book worm and Miss.Loony Lovegood need to be taught a lesson."  Fred says and takes a step towards me "I agree Freddy." says George taking a step towards Luna and grabbing his broom, I look at Luna and yell "RUN!" before we can even exit the twins room we are each swept off our feet by a different twin and the next thing I know we are one hundred feet in the air in the field beside the burrow. "FRED, IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET IT!" I yell while he is holding me to keep me on the broom "Calm down Mione, Luna looks like she is having fun." I look over at Luna and see her standing on the back of Georges broom while he struggles to keep her up. "Whatever, I'm not doing that, so don't get any ideas." he leans forward and whispers "I have plenty of ideas but none of which include you standing on this broom." 

*End of Flashback*

After I finish telling them the story behind the picture Ginny looks ready to cry, George and Harry are laughing, and Ron has to leave to keep from getting angry again. Five minuets later Harry says "I remember that day, I took that picture." then George says "That's right, You and Ron were playing quidditch when we flew out onto the field." about that time Ron walks back in and says "Yes we bloody were playing, Its the only time I beat Harry. The only reason I won is because he stopped to take that picture."  Ginny then says "It's getting late, Hermione why don't you come back over tomorrow and tell us the rest of the story and let us know what houses the twins got placed into." I smile "That would be great Gin, I will see you tomorrow." I then walked outside collected Ember and took the floo back to Malfoy Manor and finally got some sleep.

(Hey guys, Here are the links to the photos I used, If one of them belongs to you and you would like me to take it down let me know)

Pic at top:

First flashback:

2nd flashback:

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