The big question.

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Hermione POV:

After we left the train station Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Ember, and I drove straight to Malfoy Manor and gave Dacos mother a chance to see her granddaughter for the first time in a year while I get ready to go over to the burrow and fully explain everything to my friends, I owe George the biggest explanation and the best apology out of all of them because I hid something of his brother from him for eleven years. An hour later I was ready and just as I was about to floo over Ember runs in and asks if she can go with me so she can play with Lily Potter, After telling her to put her shoes on and reminding her not to say anything about the burrow we stepped into the floo and I yell "THE BURROW" and land right in the middle of the burrow.

Looking down at Ember to make sure she is okay I see her staring at something behind me, so I turn around and come face to face with George Weasley who is looking at Ember curiously and then I realize that he was talking to his wife and probably didn't  see Ember at the train station, George looks at me then back at her and all he says is "Malfoy." in a joking tone and without missing a beat I say "Weasley." before we can continue our conversation Ginny runs into the living room and screams at me "HERMIONE, YOU SAID I HAD A GOD-CHILD? IS IT THIS ONE? LET ME SEE HER!" I give my terrified daughter a push towards her God-mother who is watching her every move "Hi, Aunt Ginny" my daughter says softly and glances up at Ginny who looks a bit overwhelmed "You look just like Mal-Draco" she starts to call him Malfoy before George stabs her in the side with his elbow and then she corrects herself she looks like she wants to say something else but my daughter beats her to it, "I think I look more like mum, I mean my hair and all.  All of us have it... My sisters, mum, and I." before Ginny can say anything else George asks,

"Who is her God-Father?" "Blaise Zabini is Embers God-Father, and I wanted to ask you something." George looks worried but says "What is it?" I smile at him before asking "Would you like to be the Twins God-Father? Luna is their God-Mother but I wanted to save the honor of God-Father for you, Fred would have wanted it." George looks like a kid in a candy store and practically screams "YES!" Ginny on the other hand looks like she is going to murder me "WHY DON'T I GET TO BE A GOD PARENT TO ALL OF THEM?" Looking at her I say "Because George and Luna were dating the same time Fred and I were together, so they are going to have the most questions for George and Luna." that makes her look even madder "Wait, George and Luna knew you and Fred dated and never told anyone?" I shy away from her and say "Luna did... We never told George, When we all hung out together the summer before fifth year it was because Luna wanted to do stuff as couples but because George didn't know, so we all just kinda hung out together as 'Friends' and now I have pictures of the four of us."  "Oh." was all Ginny said and before we could continue talking my daughter asks Ginny "Where is Lily?" "I think she is in the yard with Roxanne." says Ginny, Ember hurrys out to the yard and then all the other Weasleys and the other Potter rush inside to talk to me. 

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