Weekend Fun

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Freddy POV: 

We get to leave for 'The Burrow' as soon as Dillion Nott gets here. Mum told us we could bring five people and that our cousins were already coming so just to bring whoever... so naturally we picked Dillion Nott, Reed Nott, Tylor Nott, Jacob Nott, and Zeke Zabini because they are our closest friends and I think Ember misses the triplets more than she misses us most of the time.  After waiting ten more minuets Reed finally gets sick of waiting and says "I will be back." and takes off in the direction of Gryffindor tower, When she returns she is dragging a half asleep Dillion behind her "I had to get Annabeth Pucey to give my the password to the Gryffindor common room and then I had to all but force Ashley Finnigan to show me to Dillions dorm, then I had to actually push Dillion down the stairs to get her half awake. Lets go before this lazy bum falls asleep again." Reed says with a huff in Dillions direction.  Headmaster tells us to step into the floo two at a time and to head on over to 'The Burrow'. Georgia and I are the first two to step into the floo and head over to 'The Burrow', and as soon as we step out of the floo a girl with white/blonde hair runs over to us and crushes us into a hug.

"YOU'RE HOME!" our little sister yells at the top of her lungs still not letting us go "Yes, we are home and we have a surprise..." I say to her, We hear someone say "Ow, Get off me you lazy arse!" and turn around to see Reed laying on the floor with Dillion practically sleeping on top of her. "REED, DILLION!" Ember says pushing us to the floor and running over to two of the three Nott sisters and pulling them up into hugs too. "EMBER GINEVRA MALFOY! HOW DARE YOU LOVE THEM MORE THAN US!" I hear the voice of Zeke Zabini say while exchanging a look with Jacob Nott "Yeah, I thought you loved us more!" says Jacob "Did you bring me anything?" Ember asks looking at the boys "No..." "Well then, I love them more." my little sister says shooting a smirk at Zeke and Jacob before finally seeing Tylor Nott step out of the floo "Ty!" Tylor hardly has time to stand up before she is already being knocked down again. 

"Ember, Give them time to breathe." my mother scolds my little sister "MUM!" Georgia and I yell and jump on her before I ask "Where is Dad?" she smiles and tells us "Asleep in his and Uncle Georges old room.... Fourth floor up, You can go wake him if you want."  Georgia and I share a look before running up the stairs and into the room dad was asleep, I laugh at the fact he is snoring loud enough to wake the entire house before I jump on his bed, and Georgia follows suit and jumps right on top of dad... His eyes pop open and he says "Bloody Hell..." before he realizes it's us. He sits up rubs his eyes and then hugs us before telling us to go wake Uncle George and his wife.

After we have finally woken up everyone we go down stairs and see all of our cousins sitting in the living room talking to their parents and younger siblings... except for Zeke and the Nott siblings who are waiting on our Mum to go and get Uncle Theo, Uncle Blaise, and Aunt Pansy. After everyone finally gets here Grand-mum Molly calls us all in to eat lunch. Halfway through lunch Aunt Pansy and Uncle Blaise say they have an announcement, It turns out aunt Pansy is pregnant... With twins... "Oh wow, You have to be kidding me." says Zeke looking shocked "Twins, bloody twins... Jesus dad, Keep it in your pants next time, Freddy and Georgia are the only twins I can put up with." Aunt Pansy slaps Zeke on the back of the head while Uncle Blaise explodes with laughter.

 "Don't laugh because we have an announcement too." said my Mum pulling my Dad out of his chair "We think we are Pregnant again as well." with that said everyone is shocked into silence until Uncle George starts laughing like a mad man and says "Bloody Hell. You've been back three bloody weeks, and most of that time was spent with me in the shop. When the hell did you two find time for that?" Mum blushes a deep shade of red and Dad shoots his twin a smirk and says "I don't think we should discuss this when the children are present." Uncle George then stands up and yells "ALL KIDS LEAVE! NOW!" while either levitating us out the door or chasing us outside. He then  slams the door and we hear him yell at Dad "START TALKING, NOW!"           

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