*Time Skip* Fourth Year and Triwizard

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Ember POV:

It's been nearly three years since Kory's death... In those three years we found out mum and Uncle Blaise had a daughter together, my dad had another child with a Flora Carrow (Another boy.), Mum and Fred had another set of triplets (More Boys) before calling it quits at having kids, Cassius was in a quidditch accident that tragically killed him and the other chaser involved in the accident, Paxton moved to America with his grandmother, Freddy and Georgia were as wild as ever, and Damon and I are doing our best to keep our friendship in tack after he accidentally scratched me during a transformation last month. Today is the first day of my fourth year and I don't know if I can do this. The days have been getting hard lately because Damon had been avoiding me and hanging out with Abby McLaggan (even though she does her best to make my life hell). 

"Lets get this over with." I say to Jordan as I walk onto the train and find an empty compartment for us. "Have you seen Damon?" I as Jordan who points at the compartment across from ours and I look over to see Damon and Abby snogging... I can't explain the pain that I'm feeling right now, it's the kind of pain I haven't felt since Kory died. "Want me to close the blinds?" Jordan asks softly once he sees the pain written all over my face. I nod my head and bring my hand to the large scar across my arm. I can't believe him! He leads me on acting like he's into me, then he fucking scratches me so I'm just like Uncle Bill, and then he fucking abandons me for Slaggy McLaggan. All of a sudden the door to the compartment slides open and two people are standing in the door. "May we sit here? We missed the boat to Durmstrang, so mum put us on the train to Hogwarts because the tournament is being held at Hogwarts again so we would be there anyway... and wow, You're beautiful." the guy out of the pair of them says.

"Yeah, You two can sit here! I'm Ember Weasley, and this is Jordan Flint." I say extending my hand out to the boy and girl. "I'm Cedric Krum, It's a pleasure to meet you. This is Hermione Krum, my twin sister." he says taking the seat next to me and casually putting his arm around me. "So, What year are the two of you in?" Jordan asks Hermione who quickly says "Seventh." Without thinking I lean into Cedrics body... Right about that time the door to the compartment flies open to reveal a growling Damon. "Remove your arm." he snarls at Cedric, who appears to be un-phased by Damon's demand. "How about I not do that... and you leave out of this compartment before I hex your lips to the slags that they were just on."  Cedric says coolly. Damon growls but still slams the compartment door shut and leave us alone. 

*Time Skip to Great hall*

I take a seat next to Dillion, Lorcan, and Lysander while I'm waiting on Headmaster to announce the tournament. It takes nearly an hour for him to get out all the information out about the tournament, but when he finally says what I've been waiting to hear, I cheer. "Fourth years and above will be allowed to enter their names into the Goblet." Headmaster says. "Don't even think about it." Damon growls in my ear, "I'll do what ever I want." I snarl back at him. All I can tell you is that I will be entering my name into that Goblet, and I will find a way to get Damon out of my brain. I know just what that distraction is gonna be... Cedric Krum.  

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