"I object!"

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Hermione POV:

Today is the big day, the day I marry Fred and become Mrs. Hermione Weasley. Ginny, Pansy, Luna, Daphne (Luna's wife), and I went dress shopping a few weeks ago and Ginny all but forced me to get a Cinderella blue dress with white lace around the bottom and torso. Fred and I couldn't decide on a color theme so Luna and Daphne picked for us, Our wedding is Cinderella blue and baby pink.... I also let Pansy pick the bridesmaids dresses, she picked out the most beautiful one shoulder baby pink dresses (Pictured below). "Hermione, fucking hold still." Pansy growls as she is putting the finishing touches on my hair. "Sorry, I'm just nervous." I reply and hold still. "Ten minuets until Harry gets here to give you away." Ginny says running in and looking me over but she stops at my face "Hermione... WHY DON'T YOU HAVE MAKEUP ON?" she yells at me while pushing me into a chair and grabbing her make up bag. "Because Pansy forgot to do it..." I say with a smirk because I told Pansy I was going to do it... and then I just didn't because, fuck make up. 

"I'M HERE!" Harry yells running in nearly half an hour after he was set to arrive. "HARRY! YOU ARE SO LATE!" Ginny yells and slaps her husband, "I got caught up with Percy at the entrance." he explains before turning to me and asking "Are you ready?" "As ready as I will ever be." I reply taking his arm and watching Ginny run off to get everyone in line and ready to walk. Ginny and George first because they were best man and maid of honor, then Pansy and Blaise, followed by Luna and Theo, then lastly Daphne and Charlie. As soon as everyone is in position the music starts and Harry and I are beginning our walk to the alter. I glance up to look at Fred and see him crying... I can't help but cry a little too, today was going to be perfect. 

Once Harry gives me to Fred we begin the ceremony and everything is going fine until ministry official says "If anyone has a reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." It's silent for a moment but before we can continue Draco Malfoy runs in and screams "I OBJECT!" everyone turns to look at him but he keeps speaking "Hermione, Please don't do this. What about Ember? I'm her father and I practically raised the twins... You can't just give up on us that easy." I look at him for a moment before I begin to speak "I wasn't the one who gave up on us. It doesn't matter anyway, I love this tall, dorky, red head. I am going to marry him and you don't have a say in any of it... Now, Harry will be showing you to the door." Harry gets up and drags Draco out by the back of his shirt, locks the door behind Draco, and then takes his seat so we can continue with the wedding. 

We exchange rings after saying our vows and the ministry official 'pronounces' us man and wife and tells Fred he may now kiss the bride. Fred, being Fred, made a big deal out of dipping me back and kissing me earning wolf whistles (George, Blaise, and Theo) and applause from our friends and family. Molly is crying and running over to hug us as soon as we get to the tent that our 'Party' is being held, I look around and see Pansy looking at Blaise like hes the biggest idiot she has ever known while everyone else is laughing at the pair. I drag Fred over to our friends to speak with them before George and Ginny have to make their speeches along with Harry who insisted that he be allowed to give one.

"I don't know where to begin..." starts George "But I suppose telling you that I am mad you didn't tell me about this, I don't know sixteen years ago would be as good a place as any. We all had our suspicions about who had stolen our Freddys heart back at Hogwarts, I always thought it was our best mate Lee," everyone laughs and George continues "I should have known it was Granger though, You were way to, whats the word...organized, for it to not be her. The fact that you started to tuck in your shirt and comb your hair really should have tipped me off. I remember one day you came into our dorm wearing, get ready for the shock of your lives folks, a sweater vest... the horror, when I asked you about it you said it was a gift and that you 'loved' the wretched thing. What really should have let me know though,  was Granger sneaking in and out of our dorm at two and three a.m., How could I have been so blind?" George pauses to look at Fred and smile "When we thought you died in the battle and Hermione ran, I started to suspect it a little. It wasn't until she turned up at the Hogwarts express eleven years later did I finally figure it out... after seeing my twin nieces. Nothing will ever compare to finding you alive, but this is a close second. I get to see my twin happy finally and that's all that matters. I wish the best to the both of you." he finishes and sits down.

Ginny stands up and looks at me "Well, Mione. You did the impossible, you tamed Fredrick Gideon Weasley, the notorious prankster. I don't know how you did it, when I was younger I remember him telling George he would never get married because and I quote 'Who needs girls when they have pranks', and then him being mortified when they turned twelve and George started taking interest in girls at school. I first noticed him beginning to fancy someone when he came back to the common room after the yule ball, the bloke was walking on air and smiling like an idiot. You on the other hand, you full on went from little bookworm Hermione Granger, to sneaking into the common room at three in the morning Hermione Granger. Fred is good for you and you are Good for him. Without him, You wouldn't be the person you are today. and without you, he wouldn't even come close to being the person he is today." Ginny finishes causing my eyes to water a little. 

"Hermione, I just want to tell you that you are the best friend the 'boy who lived' could have ever asked for. Without you I would very much be the 'boy who didn't make it past second year alive'. You are my sister and I would do anything for you... even hide a body," Harry says giving a pointed look at Fred and earning laughs from everyone before he continues "Fred, you might be one of my best mates, but if you hurt my sister... Lets just say you wont have to worry about any more kids. I hope the two of you live a long and happy life together. I love you both." Harry finishes taking his seat once again. The rest of the party is going fine until Pansy lets out a loud scream and her and Blaise have to rush off to the hospital to welcome their twin sons into the world.... So over all we had a very eventful wedding. 

(Bridesmaids Dresses)

(Bridesmaids Dresses)

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(Fred and Hermione's Rings)

(Fred and Hermione's Rings)

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