Random Facts About The Characters

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1.Kory Boots wand is made of Yew Wood, has a Unicorn Hair core, and is an astonishing Fifteen Inches Long.

2.Freddy and Georgia are identical in every way except their height.... Georgia is three inches shorter than Freddy.

3. Flicker has the shortest wand of all her siblings at six inches exactly.

4. Zeke Zabini was originally to be betrothed to Ember because Draco wanted to bring back a centuries old family tradition... But Pansy and Hermione shut that down before it had really even began.

5.Fred and Hermione have a total of eight biological children together... After having the triplets they decided to have one more baby three years later but ended up with another set if triplet boys instead.

6.Cedric Krum and Hermione Krum are named for their parents first loves.

7.Kory and Ember are soul mates... Along with Freddy and Zeke, Georgia and Jacob, and Flicker and Dillion Nott.

8.Flicker is LGBTQ+

9.Paxton is transgender

10.Damon and Cassius are in love with each other but could never be together because they are not mates.

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