"She's not a Weasley."

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Ember POV: 

Mum is now nearly nine months pregnant, Fred Weasley adopted me after him and Mum got married so my name is now Ember Fallon Estelle Weasley, and I am starting Hogwarts today! At the moment Freddy, Georgia, and I are all sitting in the kitchen of the flat waiting to floo over to the burrow. "Come on, Kids!" Mum yells at us from the floo "Is dad coming?" Freddy asks mum "He is already to the burrow, now hurry up. We can't be late!" we all grab our trunks and owls and floo to the burrow one at at time starting with Freddy, then Georgia, then Me, and lastly Mum. As soon as we are at the burrow grand mum Molly is making a grab at us so she can hug us. We all pile into a car (I am positive they enchanted to be as big as a small bus on the inside) and start our drive to King Cross Station, Freddy and Georgia run right onto the platform at soon as we get to it while I stay behind a little confused. A boy in Slytherin robes walks over to me and asks if I need any help, after I say yes he casually sits me on my trunk and runs the both of us onto the platform. "Ill be seeing you around..." "Ember." I say before I turn to get on the train.

I look for an empty compartment but can't find one, considering mostly all of them are full I need to ask someone if I can sit with them. After looking for half an hour I finally find a compartment that only has two other people in it. "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." I ask the two "Sure, Ember right?" one of them says and I recognize him as the boy who helped me onto the platform "Yes, I didn't quite catch your name." I say to him taking the seat across from him, "Jordan Flint, I'm in second year." he says "And I'm, Taylor Coote. My dad played as a beater for Gryffindor in 96' and 97'. I'm a third year." says the other one, "Well, I'm Ember Weasley. I'm going to be a first year this year... My sisters are in second year." I say "OH! You are Freddy and Georgias little sister!" exclaims Jordan "Yeah, That's me." I say "They are trouble makers... It's an interesting quality, You don't look much like them though." Taylor says looking me over "I'm a half sister, We have the same Mum but different Fathers." "Who is your father?" Taylor asks me, before I can respond though Jordan all but screams "YOU ARE A MALFOY!" I turn red in the face from embarrassment and say "Yep..." I spend the rest of the ride listening to Taylor and Jordan argue over if I would be a Gryffindor or a Slytherin. 

We arrive at Hogwarts a few hours later and Jordan pushes me over to the boats and tells me he will see me after the sorting. "Hi! I'm Abel McLaggen!" exclaims a boy sitting across from me on the boat "I'm Ember Weasley." I say holding out my hand for him to shake "Oh, You don't look like one. You are way too beautiful to be a Weasley." he says still holding onto my hand, I yank my hand away and tell him if he wishes to remain on the boat he best remember not to insult my family again. We are lead from the boat house to the entrance to the main hall and told to wait on Head Master Longbottom to come and lead us in. "So, We have a Malfoy in our year?" a boy questions looking me up and down before he begins to speak again "I'm Dixon Thakur, You will do well to pick the right kind of friends here. My father and yours were friends in school, I would love to get to be friends with you... You just can't associate yourself with the Notts, Zabinis, Lovegoods, Potters, or the Weasleys. They are all traitors." he says extending his hand to me. "My name is, Ember Weasley. Those traitors are my family, and you will do well to move your hand before you loose it." I say shooting him a Malfoy glare. 

"Follow me kids." says a voice cutting through the tension and leading us into the great hall. "Before we start the sorting I have a few announcements," says Head Master Longbottom "This year we will have two new teachers joining us, Professor Draco Malfoy and Professor Theodore Nott. Professor Malfoy will taking over the role as Potions Master, While Professor Nott will be the new flying instructor. The forbidden forest is off limits, and I wish all of you a happy year at Hogwarts! Let the sorting begin." he finishes before pulling a list from his pocket. He goes down the list and I listen when he calls "McLaggen, Abel" and places the hat on the boys head "HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat yells. I tune in once again when "Thakur, Dixon" is called "RAVENCLAW" the hat yells instantly causing Dixon to stomp off in rage to the Ravenclaw table. When he gets to the W's he pauses for a moment before saying "Weasley, Ember." I walk over to the hat and look up at my Father to see a look of rage on his face. "Her name is Ember Malfoy." He says shooting Head Master a glare "Not anymore. She changed it. Now sort my niece." My uncle Theo says looking at my father with distaste. 

I am seated on a stool and the hat is placed on my head "SLYT-" *Don't you dare.* I think before the hat can get the rest of the house out. "Well, a brave one are you? I think you would fair well in Slytherin,  you are also loyal enough to be in Hufflepuff, as smart as the Ravenclaws as well... But I see where you belong...." *Then put me in my house.* "BETTER BE.... GRYFFINDOR!" as soon at the hat yells Gryffindor my father begins to choke on his water. "SHE CAN'T BE A BLOODY GRYFFINDOR! SHE'S A MALFOY!" he yells "Actually, by law... I'm a Weasley." I say shooting him a smirk and walking over to my table and taking a seat next to Taylor. "I told Jordan you would be a Gryffindor." he says before he begins to introduce me to his friends "These idiots are; Annabeth Pucey, Dillion Nott, Lorcan Lovegood, and Lysander Lovegood." he says pointing at three people I know and one I didn't "DILLION!" I yell and hug my cousin before turning to hug Lorcan and Lysander while yelling "BOYS!" Taylor looks at me funny "You know them?" "Was raised with Dillion, and Lorcan and Lysander are my moms friends kids." "Oh." After the feast they lead us up to our dorms and go over the rules. We are then pushed into our dorm rooms and told to go to bed.... Today was rather eventful I think as I fall asleep. 

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