Attack of the Lions.

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Freddy Pov: 

After we board the train Me, Georgia, Jacob, Zeke, and Uncle Georges son Fred find a compartment with two boys in it who look kind of familiar it's not until Fred introduces them as Lorcan and Lysander Lovegood do I recognize my God brothers "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU TWO?" I yell looking at the boys I was practically raised with they look at each other before looking me dead in the eyes and saying "Puberty" with the straightest faces they can muster before they break into fits of laughter, Fred is just looking at all of us like we are crazy until Georgia tell him that they are our God brothers and even then he looks at us like we have an extra head. 

The boys kick us out halfway through the ride so they can "Talk Girls" acting like we know anyone yet. We stumble through the train looking for somewhere to sit and accidentally stumble across a compartment of third year Gryffindor girls bullying a group of first years. Upon closer inspection we noticed three of the first years where the Nott sisters (Jacobs younger sisters), Georgia tried to pull me away but I'm not having it. I yank my arm free of my sister and approach the third years my dads wand drawn "What do you think you are doing?" I ask angrily "None of your concern." says the one who appears to be the leader of the bullies "Who even are you?" I ask getting madder by the minuet "Abby McLaggen, and who are you?" she says shooting me a glare "Freddy Weasley, and I'm going to only ask you once to back off the Nott girls because trust me, I don't care how many years more you've had studying magic. I will knock your teeth out with my fist because I don't need a wand or harsh words to fight." 

Abby looks shocked and I take it that no one has ever stood up to her, she then says "Weasley? Who even are your parents? I'll bet it's Percy, isn't it?" she says with the biggest smirk on her face "No actually, My dads name was Fred Weasley and he died in the Battle of Hogwarts so that you wouldn't have to bow to the dark lord. My mother is Hermione Granger the brightest witch of her age and I can guarantee you that my mother is smarter than both of your parents and your grandparents put together. I also know for a fact that I have more wit in my pinky than you have in your entire body." she looks madder than ever and says "I don't even know what to say to that." that's when my sister says "How about..." and I finish her sentence "Me and my idiot friends are leaving and wont be picking on any of the Nott girls again..."then Georgia "because Freddy Weasley is a scary SOB who wont put up with it..." "and will put us in the infirmary should we ever bully the Nott girls again." Abby looks ready to cry so me and Georgia shoot her one of our classic smirks, a wave and say "Bye Bye, Abby." as soon as we say "Bye Bye" she takes off down the train being closely followed by her goons. 

I turn to the Nott sisters and say "Are you three okay? Do you want Jacob?" Reed speaks up for the three of them and says "I personally don't want him. Dillion?.." Dillion shakes her head no and then Reed asks her other sister "Tylor?" Tylor scoffs and shakes her head no then Reed turns back to us and says "We are fine, don't worry about us. See you after the sorting." before the trio hurrys off down the train followed by the two first year boys that where with them. 

After that little exchange we head back to the boys only to find them all asleep, I look at Georgia and tell her not a make a peep while I run down the train to find my cousin James. I find him with Abby sitting in his lap flirting with him so I open the door to his compartment and sneer at Abby causing her to scream and fall off his lap, James looks at her and says "This is the first year who told you to stop your shit?" she squeaks a "Yes" still on the floor and I swear she almost faints when James says "Good job little cousin, But did you need something?" "Yes, The air horn Uncle George gave you." he eyes my suspiciously "Why?" "Zeke Zabini,  Jacob Nott, Fred Weasley the 2nd, and Lorcan and Lysander Lovegood kicked us out to "Talk Girls" But took naps instead so me and Georgia want payback." he smiles and looks at his other two friends sitting in the compartment with him before handing it to me and saying "Bring it right back." "No promises James, I don't make the ones I can't keep." Not giving him a chance to say anything back I shut the door to his compartment and rush back to mine with the air horn I look at Georgia and tell her to open the door, she opens it very slowly so it doesn't squeak and then I stick the hand holding the air horn in the compartment and press it.

We run like mad back to James's compartment and slam the door open before rushing in and slamming the door shut and sitting under the window so the other guys couldn't see us. James looks at me and says "My air horn?" "Gave it to a random chick in the hall to destroy the evidence." His friends are looking at us and one says rather loudly "Why are two girls hiding in our compartment?" and the other says "I think that they are Freddy and Georgia Weasley. Right James?" once again this was said rather loudly I finally caught on when James looked in the hall through the window in the door "Shit." was all I said when the door opened and next thing I knew Zeke had me tossed over his shoulder and was carrying me back towards my compartment I yelled "ZABINI, IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I SWEAR..." he cut me off and said "What was that, Weasley? You will do what?" after I said nothing he said "That's what I thought." he finally puts me down and points his wand at me and then all of a sudden my robes are on me. "Oh, by the way. We are here. See you tomorrow, Weasley." he then winks at me and pecks my cheek "Sod off Zabini" is all I can say before hes gone and I realize he already took my trunk outside and I need to go find my sister. 

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