Eleven Years later

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Hermione POV: 

"Freddy, Georgia, would you two hurry up and get your trunks and then wake up your sister and stepfather." "Yes, Mum" I went to set the table so the five of us could eat one last breakfast together before my oldest two daughters went off to Hogwarts for the first time. About three minuets later my three daughters came bounding down the stairs being followed by my very sleepy husband. "Draco, Did you check the girls trunks?" "Yes, Love." I turn around to face my twin daughters and ask "Freddy, do you have your owl ready to go?" being the eldest of the twins by two minuets Freddy was usually more prepared than Georgia (or so she says) "Yes, Mum." I then turn on Georgia "Is your owl ready?" "Nope." sighing I turn to my youngest daughter and say "Ember, can you go get your sisters owl please?" Ember looked over joyed and ran out without an answer.

Ten minuets later we had all settled down enough to eat and ask the twins questions. Draco asked the girls what house they wanted to be in and I nearly fell out of my chair when they both said "Slytherin" in sync. We waited half an hour after breakfast before we begin to head out the door, right before I shut the door Freddy and Georgia pushed past me and ran upstairs. They came down a minuet later, Freddy holding her dads wand and Georgia latching her dads necklace on, Freddy then looked at me and said "We can go now." so me and Draco loaded up the car and made sure all the girls were in before we drove to my office to floo to Malfoy manor so we could drive to the train station. We arrived to my office to see my best friend Blaise Zabini, his wife Pansy, and his son Zeke. "Its about bloody time." Blaise said looking at me like I kicked his puppy "Well, Talk to me when you have three kids to get ready." I say with a smirk "Children, lets stop bickering and go." says a slightly annoyed Pansy. "Okay." Me and Blaise say together. 

We all step into the floo and yell "MALFOY MANOR" I close my eyes and open them a second later and see the house I have grown familiar with over the past eleven years. We hurry to the car so Dracos mother doesn't make us late wanting to see the twins before they go.  Once we finally make it to the car and get everyone in we only have an hour to get the kids to the station, say hello to people, get the kids on the train, keep the kids on the train, and then get Ember back to her Grandmother to stay for two weeks. The station is only about five minuets away from the manor so we get to it in no time.  After Dracos terrible shot at parking we get the kids out and into the station so we can cross onto the platform. When we explain to the twins how to cross twice and they still don't understand it Zeke Zabini has had enough and picks up Freddy and pushes her into the wall and then does the same with Georgia then he grabs his trunk and walks through the wall leaving all of us laughing.

Draco picks up Ember and grabs Georgias trunk and owl and the crosses leaving me to get Freddys stuff and cross, but Blaise beats me to her trunk and crosses before I can protest. I then look at Pansy shrug grab her arm and pull both of us onto the platform. Before I can even take a step towards my children I am pulled into a hug by somebody, I turn around ready to hex someone and come face to face with Ginny Weasley well I guess it's Ginny Potter now. "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" "Don't be mad and I will explain but let me get my kids and I'll meet you and the others, Is George here?" "Okay, and Yeah he is. Do you want me to get him?" "Yeah, because he's going to want to know this." "Okay see you in five, We are by our old compartment." "Okay, Bye Ginny." I watch her run over to Harry, Ron, and the rest of the Weasley clan and then see Harry and Ron get really excited after Gin says something.  

I turn round and walk over to Draco and tell him "I'm going to take Freddy and Georgia over to meet their family, I'll send them back in a few to get you and Ember." "Okay, be careful." "Always." looking around I see my daughters having a conversation with Zeke Zabini and Jacob Nott, "Freddy, Georgia! Come on, We have people to meet." they exchange glances before they say "We will be back in ten." and run to me "Who do we need to meet mum?" they say in sync "Your family, I mean your fathers family." "Okay,Do we get to meet dads twin???" "Yes."

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