Sorting the Weasley twins..."Oh, Not again."

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Freddy POV:

After finding my sister and getting on the boats to cross the lake to enter Hogwarts for the first time I am more that ready to be sorted. I want to be in Slytherin but I also think Huffelpuff would be okay... Mainly because of Zeke, I will be damned if I get put into Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, those kids are bullies to the Nott kids (I mean all of them Jacob, His sisters, and his older brother Abe) and I know that the first time someone says something about them I will punch someone so hard that the will be seeing out of their arse. My thoughts are interrupted when McGonagall tells us that we will all be going in to be sorted in a few moments. 

The doors to the Great Hall open and we flood in ready to be put somewhere we belong with people who are similar to us and a place where we will be accepted for once in our lives. She begins to call names but I don't pay any attention until I hear "Nott, Dillion" be called I watch my friend walk up to the hat and almost cry when it yells Gryffindor then I cant take my eyes off the sorting when she calls "Nott, Reed" Reed walks up to the hat and the hat takes about five seconds before calling out Ravenclaw making my heart sink again and for the last time until my name is called I watch with anticipation when the name "Nott, Tylor" is called and the youngest Nott girl calmly walks to the hat and allows her self to be separated from her sisters as the hat calls Hufflepuff.  After that I tune out the sorting until I hear "Weasley, Freddy" be called and I exchange a worried glance with my sister before I walk to the hat, As soon as the hat is on my head It begins talking.

"What do we have here? Another Weasley?" "Sir, My twin sister is next" I say to the hat and the hat asks in horror "Who is your father?" "Fred Weasley." "Oh, Not again. Peeves is going to love the two of you. You would fair well in Gryffindor but you wish to prove a point to your family don't you? You want to show them that even the snakes can be good. I suppose I will grant you your wish... SLYTHERIN"  I then get up and watch from my table as the name "Weasley, Georgia" is called I nearly faint when the hat calls...

Georgia POV:

"Weasley, Georgia" I stalk to to the hat the moment my name is called and the hat begins "Weasley twins... Its not proper for me to separate Weasley twins. But I can see that I couldn't even if I wished to. You and your sister share the same goal. To prove something to your family...BETTER BE SLYTHERIN."

Freddy POV:

After my sister joins me at the Slytherin table I look over to the Hufflepuff table to find Zeke and I find him already looking my way. He smiles at me and shoots me a thumbs up before digging into the food that magically appeared on the table. An hour later and we are being taken to our common rooms and more importantly our dooms. After we get to our portrait (Severus Snape) and find out the password is "Always" we are allowed to go to our dorms for bed. I look over at Georgia who is already asleep on the nearest bed she could get to and take the bed next to hers and fall asleep in a matter of minutes dreading that I had to write Mum in the morning. 

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